Videos by NPIC
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Videos by NPIC
At NPIC, we're always looking for new ways to make science-based pesticide information approachable and available. NPIC specialists and other experts in the field will walk you through the health and safety side of pesticide science. We'll address questions like "what is it?" and "how does it work?". We'll also talk about actions you can take to reduce your risk.
These videos will provide a quick overview of pesticide-related topics. Don't see your topic of interest here? Subscribe to our YouTube channel to get notified about new videos, or give us a call (800-858-7378) to speak directly with one of our specialists.
FAQ Videos
Family and pet health
- Did you know cleaning after a flood has risks?
- Did you know disinfectants are pesticides?
- Tips to avoid pesticide poisonings
- What does it mean when food is organic?
- How can I remove pesticides from fruits and vegetables?
- Pesticides & Pregnancy: How do I lower risk?
- Pesticides on Clothes: How do I clean them?
- Can I apply DEET under my clothes?
- Can pesticides be poured into smaller containers?
- Is it safe to use rat baits around children and pets?
- Slug & Snail Bait: Can it hurt my pets?
- Are spot-on flea and tick products safe for my pets?
- Cover the holes when baiting for moles!
Disinfectant Safety
- Disinfectants, sanitizers and antiseptics...what's the difference between all three?
- What's the proper way to disinfect a home? Should people wash their hands right after disinfecting?
- How often is it necessary to disinfect "high touch" surfaces?
- Why shouldn't you spray disinfectant into the air to fight airborne illnesses?
- Why is it important to avoid mixing disinfectants and household chemicals?
- A website or a friend recommended a new recipe for disinfecting. What are the risks if I try DIY?
- Should people put bleach in their soapy dish water?
- What's the right way to go about sanitizing and disinfecting before and after preparing food?
- What are some general tips that parents, caregivers, and teachers can use while disinfecting?
- What if a baby or toddler licks disinfectants or hand sanitizer from their hands?
- Can kids help with cleaning and disinfecting a home or classroom?
Disinfectant Wipes Video Q&A
- I've used disinfectant wipes for years and I don't think I've had any issues; what are the concerns?
- How can I tell if the wipes I have are disinfectant wipes or another kind?
- Wipes are so convenient. Can I keep a canister around the house for everyday uses?
- What about risks to kids? Don’t schools use disinfecting wipes in classrooms?
- Should I use disinfectant wipes on my mask?
- Are flushable wipes safe to use?
- What kinds of calls do poison centers and NPIC receive regarding disinfectant wipes?
- Beyond following the product instructions, how else can I keep myself and others safe from disinfectants?
Pesticide-related Videos
- Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)
- Methoprene
- Reducing Disinfectant Exposures in the Workplace (22:40)
- Spinosad
- Deep Dive on Disinfectant Precautions
- Disinfectant Safety for Medical Professionals
- Disinfectant safety during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Using NPIC's Veterinary Portal for Pesticide Incidents
- How to Request Pesticide Incident Data from NPIC
- Pesticides, People, and Pollinators: Answers to tricky pesticide questions for Master Gardeners
- Using NPIC's Ecological Pesticide Incident Reporting Portal
- Glyphosate and Communicating Risk
- More Mosquito Control, More Questions: Communicating with the Public about Pesticides and Risk
- All About the HPT (Herbicide Properties Tool)
- How can NPIC compliment the work of poison centers?
- NPRO: Search for Registered Pesticides like a PRO!
- Pesticide Strategy: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
- Incident data from NPIC: How to request it & what can it tell us?
Web Apps
If you have questions about this, or any pesticide-related topic, please call NPIC at 800-858-7378 (8:00am - 12:00pm PST), or email at