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"Did You Know..." Videos

"Did You Know..." videos:

Did you know cleaning after a flood has risks?

Did you know disinfectants are pesticides?

FAQ Videos:

What does it mean when food is organic?

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Pesticides & Pregnancy: How do I lower risk?

Click to read the FAQ Listen to the PestiByte Podcast!

Slug & Snail Bait: Can it hurt my pets?

Click to read the FAQ! Listen to the PestiByte Podcast!

How can I remove pesticides from fruits and vegetables?

Click to read the FAQ! Listen to the PestiByte Podcast!

Should I use food grade diatomaceous earth (DE) to kill bugs?

Click to read the FAQ Listen to the PestiByte Podcast!

Can pesticides be poured into smaller containers?

Listen to the PestiByte Podcast!

Can I apply DEET under my clothes?

Click to read the FAQ! Listen to the PestiByte Podcast!

Why do I have cockroaches in my home?

Click to read the FAQ! Listen to the PestiByte Podcast!

Are spot-on flea and tick products safe for my pets?

Click to read the FAQ! Listen to the PestiByte Podcast!

Is it safe to use rat baits around children and pets?

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Cover the holes when baiting for moles!

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Pesticides on Clothes: How do I clean them?

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Listen to the PestiByte Podcast

Tips to avoid pesticide poisonings

Mothballs: How do they work?

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Listen to the PestiByte Podcast!

Would I hurt the fish by weeding and feeding the lawn?

Listen to the PestiByte Podcast!

If you have questions about this, or any pesticide-related topic, please call NPIC at 800-858-7378 (8:00am - 12:00pm PST), or email at npic@ace.orst.edu.

Last updated March 10, 2021