Webinars by NPIC
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Webinars by NPIC
Below is a collection of the recorded webinars from the NPIC. To hear about upcoming webinars, subscribe to our listserv. If you want to learn about a certain topic, please call us at 800-858-7378 or email us at npic@ace.orst.edu.
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Understanding and requesting data from the National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC)
Presented on 02/12/24 by Meredith Cocks, Project Coordinator, NPIC
Duration: 01:12:59
Target audience: State, Federal, and Tribal Agencies
NPIC answers pesticide questions from all 50 states and territories and manages a database spanning more than 25 years of inquiries. About 19% of callers report pesticide exposures, symptoms, misuse, spills, and/or environmental effects. We discuss how NPIC collects and categorizes this anonymous, self-reported data, as well as its strengths and limitations. We also discuss how EPA-affiliated state, federal, and tribal agencies can request data at no charge for their use in outreach and education, or to inform regulatory decisions.
Tox Talks: Wiping Away Poisoning From Pesticides
Presented on 3/21/2022 by Amy Cross, Project Coordinator, NPIC; Alex Sirotzki, Washington Poison Center; Fiorella Carhuaz, Virginia Poison Center
Duration: 24:34
Target audience: The public; disinfectant users at home, in child care, education, and health care.
This webinar is jointly presented by the National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC) and the American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC). The presenters focus on disinfectant wipes and safety. Topics include:
- Risks of overlooking common household products as potential poisons
- Differences between disinfecting wipes and everyday wipes
- Precautions around children
- Health tips when cleaning or using disinfectants
Disinfectants: What Clinicians Need To Know To Reduce Risk
Presented on 2/8/2022 by Amy Cross, Project Coordinator, NPIC; Diana Simmes, MPH, Pesticide Medical Education Director, Pesticide Educational Resources Collaborative - Medical
Duration: 43:42
Target audience: Physicians, Pharmacists, Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants, Nurses or any other staff who work in primary care settings.
This webinar for clinicians is jointly presented by the National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC) and the Pesticide Educational Resources Collaborative - Medical (PERC-med). The presenters address common misconceptions about disinfectant use. We briefly discuss scenarios where patients may have increased exposure to disinfectants, including through overly fastidious cleaning practices related to COVID-19. Also covered are pesticide reporting requirements in your state of practice, and if in a mandatory state, where to report adverse health effects. We highlight resources for clinicians, including patient education materials, access to pesticide CME opportunities, and access to subject matter expert support when caring for patients with potential pesticide exposure.
Partner Chat: Deep Dive on Disinfectant Precautions
Presented on 8/31/2021 by Amy Cross, Project Coordinator, NPIC; Warren Hanson, Pesticide Specialist, NPIC; Dr. Theresa Matoushek, Pharmacist and Certified Specialist in Poison Information, Missouri Poison Center
Duration: 26:33
Target audience: The public; disinfectant users in education, health care, and other professional settings.
This webinar is jointly presented by the National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC) and the American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC). The presenters address common questions about disinfectant use and safety. Topics include:
- Why disinfectants are only for surfaces
- Risks of overusing disinfectants and alternative options
- Food safety
- Safety tips for parents, teachers, and caregivers
Disinfectant Safety for Medical Professionals
Presented on 12/15/2020 by Amy Cross, Project Coordinator of NPIC and Diana Simmes, MPH, Pesticide Medical Education Director of PERC-med
Duration: 54:59
Target audience: Physicians, Pharmacists, Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants, Nurses or any other staff who work in primary care settings.
This webinar for medical professionals is jointly presented by the National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC) and the Pesticide Educational Resources Collaborative - Medical (PERC-med). The presenters address common misconceptions about disinfectant use and describe basic precautions for use of disinfectants and wipes against COVID-19. In addition, we explain how to use EPA’s List N: Disinfectants for use against SARS-CoV-2. Also covered are pesticide reporting requirements in your state of practice, and if in a mandatory state, where to report adverse health effects.
Disinfectant safety during the COVID-19 pandemic
Presented on 6/24/20 by Amy Cross, Project Coordinator, NPIC
Duration: 1:06:00 (includes Q&A)
Target audience: The public; disinfectant users in education, health care, and other professional settings; and tribal, state, and federal agencies.
In this webinar the National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC) will address common misconceptions and questions about disinfectant safety. We will also tour EPA’s online tool for products effective against COVID-19.
Topics include:
- Differences between cleaners, sanitizers, and disinfectants
- Why "contact time" is important for a disinfectant to work
- Understanding EPA’s List N for disinfectants against the COVID-19 virus
- Precautions for disinfectants and wipes
- Questions answered after the webinar
Using NPIC's Veterinary Portal for Pesticide Incidents
Presented on 2/14/20 by Amy Cross, Project Coordinator, NPIC
Duration: 43:25
Target audience: Public and private veterinarians, technicians, and their staff
The National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC) provides objective, science-based information about pesticides and related topics. NPIC's Veterinary Pesticide Incident Reporting Portal (VIRP) was created for veterinarians and their staff to report adverse reactions to pesticides. The presenter provides an introduction to pesticides and demonstrates how to use the free online portal. Topics include "what are pesticides?" and how they are regulated, a brief introduction to discussing pesticide risk with the public, and non-treatment information about selected pesticides. To explore the portal, click here. A Q&A session is included after the presentation.
How to Request Pesticide Incident Data from NPIC
Presented on 11/13/18 by Amy Cross, Project Coordinator, NPIC
Duration: 50:13
Target audience: State, Federal, and Tribal Agencies
NPIC answers pesticide questions from all 50 states and territories. While most inquiries are informational, about 15% of callers report pesticide exposures, symptoms, misuse, spills, or environmental effects. We discuss how NPIC collects and categorizes this anonymous, self-reported data and how EPA-affiliated state, federal, and tribal agencies can request data at no charge for their use in outreach, education, or informing regulatory decisions. As an NPIC data specialist, Coordinator Amy Cross guides participants through the strengths and limitations of NPIC data and how to request robust reports. A large portion of this webinar focuses on Q&A after the presentation, with the database developer on-hand for technical questions.
Pesticides, People, and Pollinators: Answers to tricky pesticide questions for Master Gardeners
Presented on 4/12/18 by Alicia Leytem & April Strid
Duration: 1:06:36
Target audience: Master Gardeners, County Extension Agents, Universities
Discussing pesticides with the public can be tricky, even for trained professionals. Master gardeners are on the front line, providing information directly to the public on a wide range of topics. In this webinar, pesticide specialists with the National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC) provide resources that master gardeners can use to navigate these conversations. We discuss topics including protecting pollinators from pesticides, comparing organic and conventional pesticides, how to minimize exposures to pesticides, and how individual risk perception influences behavior. The recording includes the Q&A after the presentation.
Using NPIC's Ecological Pesticide Incident Reporting Portal
Presented on 11/7/17 by Alicia Leytem
Duration: 33:28
Target audience: Professionals in Ecology and Wildlife Sciences, including wildlife conservation, regulation, and animal husbandry; EPA; State Agencies.
Created in 2009, NPIC's Ecological Pesticide Incident Reporting Portal was designed for professionals in ecology and wildlife sciences to voluntarily report pesticide exposures to wildlife, plants, and bees. Now with a new look and behind-the-scenes updates, the portal guides users in leaving detailed reports about the number and nature of adverse effects observed in the field. We will walk through the portal step-by-step discussing both required information as well as additional details that can provide the most robust reports.
Important note about EcoPortal submissions: the information submitted through this portal is offered voluntarily and will not be used for targeted enforcement. If you wish to speak with someone about a potential investigation, please contact your state's pesticide regulatory agency for pesticide enforcement.
Glyphosate and Communicating Risk
Presented on 6/8/17 by Kaci Buhl
Duration: 1:12:02
Target audience: National Park Service and other natural resource professionals
Glyphosate is the most widely used pesticide in the world, and contradictory cancer classifications in recent years have raised an uproar. To prepare audience members for conversations with the public, this webinar was presented by Kaci Buhl at the National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC). She discussed glyphosate properties, use patterns, and toxicity before diving into the data behind the headlines. In the second half, she discussed risk perception science, and proposes a risk communication framework and checklist. The presentation is followed by questions and answers.
More Mosquito Control, More Questions: Communicating with the Public about Pesticides and Risk
Presented on 5/12/17 by Amy Cross
Duration: 50:04
Target audience: Health Departments, Vector Control Professionals, EPA, State Agencies, University Extension, and others.
Vector control efforts across the country are ramping up in response to the Zika virus and other mosquito-borne illnesses. To prepare audience members for conversations with the public, topics in this webinar include reading pesticide labels, approaches for communicating pesticide risk to the public, an overview of popular pesticide active ingredients used in mosquito control, and NPIC resources available online. The presentation is followed by questions and answers.
All About the HPT (Herbicide Properties Tool)
Presented on 11/14/16 by Brittany Hanson
Duration: 27:05
Target audience: Extension, Departments of Environmental Quality, Environmental Agencies, General Public
Learn about NPIC's latest web app, the Herbicide Properties Tool, which will help users evaluate the potential for movement of herbicides in the environment, including water solubility, vapor pressure, soil half-life, and more!
How can NPIC compliment the work of poison centers?
Presented on 3/03/16 by Alicia Leytem
Duration: 1:12:22
Target audience: Poison Center Staff
Pesticide specialists are scientists with unique training in pesticide related topics, but are not medically trained. Therefore, NPIC provides referrals to poison control centers across the country when immediate medical advice is needed. Learn from an NPIC specialist what products are regulated as pesticides, when it is appropriate for poison centers to refer callers to NPIC, and how to utilize the NPIC Product Research Online (NPRO) to look up product information.
NPRO: Search for Registered Pesticides like a PRO!
Presented on 12/02/2015 by Amy Cross and Sean Ross
Duration: 38 minutes
Target audience: State lead agencies, EPA, Extension
Follow an NPIC specialist through example demonstrations using NPRO, NPIC's Product Research Online. Learn how to research registered pesticide products by up to nine search criteria. Dig deeper into specific products with one-click access to the label, AI synonyms, and more. Questions from participants are answered in real-time with the product developer on-hand for technical questions and version updates.
Become a PRO: NPIC's Product Research Online (NPRO)
Presented on 6/25/2015 by Amy Cross and Sean Ross
Duration: 38 minutes
Target audience: State lead agencies, EPA, Extension
Take a tour of NPIC's pesticide product search tool. Search for federally registered pesticide products by several criteria. Narrow the search results, view the federal product label, and jump to active ingredient information in EPA's ChemSearch. Designed for professionals, the system requires some knowledge of pesticide terminology, including use sites and chemical synonyms.
Pesticide Strategy: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Presented on 2/6/2015 by Kaci Buhl, Charles Pinkerton, and Danielle Carroll
Duration: 60 minutes
Target audience: Gardeners and others who use pesticides around the home
Incident data from NPIC: How to request it & what can it tell us?
Presented on 1/22/2015 by Kaci Buhl and Dave Stone
Duration: 42 minutes
Target audience: Federal and State Agencies, Tribes
NPIC receives over 10,000 inquiries each year, originating from all 50 states and US territories. About 15% of inquiries involve a pesticide exposure, an adverse effect, a misapplication and/or a spill. NPIC collects a wide range of data points about the inquiries received, and make that data available to EPA and affiliated state agencies at no charge. In this webinar, the NPIC Coordinator will preview the types of data collected and their unique strengths compared to other sources of pesticide incident data. Example reports will be presented, as well as feedback from state agencies on how the data were useful.
If you have questions about this, or any pesticide-related topic, please call NPIC at 800-858-7378 (8:00am - 12:00pm PST), or email at npic@ace.orst.edu.