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Media Kit

Who is NPIC?

The National Pesticide Information Center's hotline is staffed by a team of well-trained, approachable scientists who help members of the public understand pesticides and related scientific information. NPIC pesticide specialists engage in objective, science-based conversations with callers to also help them understand and assess their own risks. Here, a pesticide specialist takes notes while he helps a caller. (2018)

The National Pesticide Information Center's mission is to provide objective, science-based information about pesticides and related topics to empower people to make informed decisions about pesticides and their use.

We are a team of well-trained, approachable scientists and science communicators who help members of the public understand complex scientific information about pesticides, toxicology, and risk.

The NPIC team has the ability to communicate in more than 240 languages — through translation by Spanish-speaking specialists and the use of a phone-based translation service, LanguageLine Solutions.

Our team of highly qualified specialists collectively offers the public 30 years of experience answering questions at NPIC.

Historically, our scientific backgrounds have included disciplines such as chemistry, biology, botany, soil science, environmental science, food science, geoscience, microbiology, zoology, anthropology, and veterinary medicine.

What We Do

Pesticide specialists at the National Pesticide Information Center rely on a large electronic library of science-based reports and other scientific resources to provide objective information to the public regarding pesticides and risk assessment. Here, an NPIC pesticide specialist accesses resources to help a caller. (2016)

NPIC specialists field inquiries from thousands of people per year via phone, email, and social media.

When people contact us, our specialists listen to their questions and concerns, helping them to understand and assess their own situations and risks relative to pesticides.

NPIC specialists also help connect the public with further contacts or resources they need to address their questions and concerns — which may touch on health, cleanup, regulation, pesticide instructions/label clarification, pest identification and control, food safety, testing, chemistry, and beyond.

Contacts may include state and federal pesticide regulatory agencies, poison control centers, pesticide manufacturers, County Extension offices, and other experts.

The NPIC team goes even further by creating a number of informational and educational materials, all of which are available online, including:

Note: See our disclaimers regarding our online content and social media policy.

Data and Interview Requests


Statistical information summarizing public inquiries to NPIC is publicly available in our annual reports.

Contact NPIC for questions about data not contained in these reports. Requests for specific data may or may not incur a fee.

Submitting a request does not guarantee the release of data.


NPIC accepts requests for interviews via its hotline number: 800-858-7378. Hotline hours are 8am to 12pm Pacific Time (11am-3pm ET), Monday through Friday.

NPIC specialists who answer the hotline will take down journalists' contact information and the specific nature of their requests. Specialists will relay the request to NPIC leadership for review.

We cannot guarantee that all interview requests will be granted.

Note: NPIC specialists may provide background information that satisfies many journalists' questions and needs. However, specialists cannot provide quotes nor grant interviews through the hotline. For reporting that requires quotes, you must place a request through specialists to NPIC leadership as described above.

Image Resources


NPIC grants professional news media free and limited use of these images. Photos may be used only in conjunction with news stories (online and in print). For questions about licensing, contact NPIC at 800-858-7378.

Use with advertorial or promotional materials is prohibited.

Sale of these images is also prohibited.

Blog use is prohibited.

Images are not intended for reproduction, archival storage, and reuse.

Images may not be manipulated, edited, nor altered in a manner that distorts their original content. Basic image editing (e.g., cropping, toning, sharpening, and color adjustment) to satisfy the technical needs of print or online use are permitted.

Logos may not be altered, archived for reuse, nor sold without the written permission of the National Pesticide Information Center.

Mandatory credit on all images: National Pesticide Information Center

Related Agencies/Organizations

If you have questions about this, or any pesticide-related topic, please call NPIC at 800-858-7378 (8:00am - 12:00pm PST), or email us at npic@ace.orst.edu.

Last updated May 08, 2018