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Common Pesticide Questions

NPIC Common Pesticide Questions are stories about questions or concerns people frequently ask NPIC. The stories show what an actual conversation with a Pesticide Specialist can be like. A question is chosen because it involves circumstances or experiences where a message of hazard prevention is discussed. Scenarios might also be selected because the situation is remarkable in some way. NPIC Common Pesticide Questions are meant to be informational and to prevent unsafe pesticide practices.

We hope the collection helps to answer your questions, and prevent unsafe situations. If you don't see your question here, try our Pesticide Quick FAQs or give us a call!

PestiByte PODCasts are available for some of the following Common Pesticide Questions. PestiBytes are short (1-2 minute) interviews with NPIC pesticide specialists on each of the topics. Click the "PestiByte PODCast" link below the title to download and listen to the PODCast.

How to keep pesticides out of my well water?
"Natural or Green?" What does it mean?
Don't let pesticides make your bed bug problem worse!
Pesticides on the Golf Course?
My yard is being sprayed; can my kids go out and play?
The crop was just sprayed. Can I work there today?
Mouse poison without directions Is that a bad sign
Fasten the lid, protect your kids!
Rat bait stored with tack: Will the horse think it's a snack?
Don't distress over uninvited guests (roaches)!
Toxic when eaten or by touch? Does the way I'm exposed matter that much?
Cover the holes while baiting for moles (or gophers)!
With a baby on the way, is it okay to spray?
Dirty work clothes: how should I wash out pesticides?
How can I wash pesticides from fruit and veggies?
How do I clean and disinfect toys
When to plant after using weed killer?
What should I do during mosquito spraying?
My home is being sprayed, should I go or stay?
How "safe" are pesticides?
Can bug bombs really explode?
Was I overexposed using DEET under clothes?
Get rid of the mouse! With kids in the house?
A mothball mishap?
Could snail bait hurt my dog?
Will the goose eat the granules? What about the wildlife?
Would I hurt the fish by weeding and feeding the lawn?
Will this weed killer hurt my grass?
One or three? Too many foggers can hurt me!
Should kids use bug spray?
Pesticides and food containers just don't mix!
If it's made of the same stuff, isn't the cheaper one good enough?
I left for a minute. Did my dog get in it?
Time to pick the veggies! What about the residue?