Treated Wood and Wood Preservatives
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Treated Wood and Wood Preservatives

Insects and mold can damage wood over time. Treating wood with pesticides can prevent wood from rotting as quickly. Treated wood is commonly used to build telephone poles, road signs, and marine pilings, as well as decks, play structures, and raised garden beds. Several wood preservatives are registered with the EPA, each with different uses and potential risks.
Preservatives can extend the life of wood and reduce waste of forest resources, but proper use is important. Read the end tags (see Figure 1) on wood in the store to find the right type for your project. Wood touching the ground may be treated differently than wood for an aboveground use. Preservatives may leach into nearby soils or water and touching treated wood may leave residues on exposed skin. Consider wearing gloves or taking other precautions when using treated wood.
Learn more about:
Additional Resources:
- Select the right preserved wood for your project - American Wood Protection Association (AWPA)
- Overview of Wood Preservative Chemicals - US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- Types of Wood Preservatives - USDA Forest Service
- Paint, stain, varnish, or preservative? It's your choice - USDA Forest Products Laboratory (FPL)
- Preservatives Used Today - Western Wood Preservers Institute
- Specifying with AWPA Use Categories for Construction - Western Wood Preservers Institute
- Preservative-treated wood and alternative products in the Forest Service - USDA Forest Service
- Timber Preservation Treatments for Highway Applications - Iowa State University
If you have questions about this, or any pesticide-related topic, please call NPIC at 800-858-7378 (8:00am - 12:00pm PST), or email at