Photo credit:
National Pesticide Information Center
Wood used for construction, telephone poles, railroad ties, and garden
beds may be treated with pesticides to prevent rotting. Wood
treatments are not meant to be water resistant. These products are used to extend the life
of wood
limiting damage from insects and mold. Treating wood also reduces the waste of forest resources by
need for replacement
due to decay.
The two main groups of treated wood are water-based and oil-based.
Water-based preservatives are applied to wood with a water solution. Oil-based
products are applied to wood in an oil-based solution. Surfaces of oil-based treated
wood may not be
and odors may be stronger.1
Manufacturing methods for treating wood include pressure treatment, dipping, or soaking.
Some paint-on
are also available.2 Each type of wood preservative has a
mixture of ingredients. Only a few wood preservatives are discussed in this fact sheet.
For more
visit our webpage about the different types of wood
Water-Based Preservatives
Alkaline Copper Quaternary (ACQ) preservatives have copper
and another compound to
protect wood from
Copper Azole (CA) preservatives have copper and a fungicide.
Copper is the main
ingredient. Some types also
boric acid.3
Chromated Copper
(CCA) was removed from most residential uses in 2004. It is
still used in industrial applications
such as poles, foundations, support columns, and pilings.4
Micronized Copper Azole (MCA) and Micronized
Copper Quaternary (MCQ)
have small copper
particles and another
compound to protect wood from decay. The particles of copper are so small they fit into
the small holes in
structure of the wood. Copper particles are lodged in the wood rather than chemically
bound.4 Micronized copper uses less copper
than similar preservatives.5
Oil-Based Preservatives
Copper Naphthenate is used in both oil- and water-soluble
formulations.2 The oil type has been used since the
Creosote is used in commercial projects. Creosote treated
wood is not available for use
at home (indoors or
outdoors). Reuse of treated wood is not regulated by the EPA. Creosote is made from coal
tar and is commonly
used in railroad ties and utility poles.6
Pentachlorophenol is used in commercial
projects. It is not registered
for at-home use,
but it may have been
residentially in older homes. It is commonly used to treat
railroad ties, utility poles, and pilings.7
Treated wood should have an end tag attached to the end of the board. End
tags may look similar to Figure 1.
Proper use sites are written on the tag as a "Use Category." It will also
state if the wood is intended for
indoors or outdoors, and for water, ground, or above ground contact. The end
tag will also list the type of
preservative used on the wood. Using the proper treated wood in the right
situation will help to limit the
of exposure to the pesticide.
Figure 1. Example of Treated Wood End Tag
Example of a treated wood end tag, photo credit:
National Pesticide Information Center'
Pesticide Information Center
When exposed to any pesticide, people may react in different
ways. Some may be more sensitive than others. If
someone were to touch the treated wood or inhale dust from the
wood, there may be different levels of risk
toxicity. The risks may increase if the wood is cut or burned.
The risk from any pesticide depends on both the toxicity of the
product and exposure. Tables 1 and 2 can be
to compare the toxicity levels of some wood
Table 1. Short-term Toxicity of Components in Water-based Preservatives
*Chromium(VI) is not likely to be on surfaces of treated
treated wood dries, most chromium (VI) changes to another form,
chromium (III).10
** Forms of copper may vary in toxicity. Toxicity studies with
micronized forms of copper are
available.11 ACQ,
CA, MCA, and
MCQ contain copper but also other ingredients not discussed in
this fact sheet.
Table 2. Short-term Toxicity of Oil-based
*Chromium(VI) is not likely to be on surfaces of treated
treated wood dries, most chromium (VI) changes to another form,
chromium (III).10
** Forms of copper may vary in toxicity. Toxicity studies with
micronized forms of copper are
available.11 ACQ,
CA, MCA, and
MCQ contain copper but also other ingredients not discussed in
this fact sheet.
Treated wood selection may depend on use location, cost, and other factors. The American
Protection Association
(AWPA) sets voluntary standards for how to reduce wood decay through different treatments. These
are based on wood durability, not health risk. Local building codes may specify the AWPA category or
type of
treated wood for a project. An Evaluation Report from the International Code Council-Evaluation
(ICC-ES) may confirm that a certain type of treated wood complies with building codes.2
Most treated wood is not for indoor use. Incorrect use could pose health risks.
An infographic
guide from AWPA can help to determine which type of treatment may be
right for a project. Home use may include a fence, deck, or garden bed.
related to
treated wood depend on the use site and type of treated
wood. Using the correct type of treated wood for your project may help keep the risks low. Whether
wood is used in a garden bed or another structure, keep these tips in mind:
There may be substitutes if you choose to avoid treated wood. Consider untreated hardwoods,
concrete, or
Treated wood may be covered with heavy plastic or coated to limit leaching. It may take multiple
of a sealant.16
Small amounts of treated wood ingredients in play structures, decks, or picnic tables may
transfer to
skin or clothing from contact. Less copper came off on wipes after copper azole (CA) and
copper azole (MCA) treated
boards were weathered for about a year.17 Consider using a
tablecloth on picnic tables made from treated wood to reduce skin and food contact.
Re-use of treated wood is not regulated by the EPA. Therefore, the risks of using recycled wood
have not
been evaluated by the agency.
Adults and children may consider washing hands after touching treated wood before eating,
drinking, or
using the restroom.
Do not burn treated wood and do not use ash or compost from treated wood in edible gardening.
Precautionary steps
while working with treated wood:
If cutting or sanding treated wood, use a dust mask to limit the chance of inhaling the treated
Consider wearing goggles and gloves to reduce exposure to eyes and skin.
Dusts can build up in closed spaces. Work outdoors or in a ventilated space.
If preservatives or sawdust have contaminated clothes, launder prior to wearing them again. Wash
separately from other clothes.
Collect and dispose of sawdust from treated wood. Avoid contamination of nearby soils and water.
Certain types of treated wood may be used in backyard projects. Compounds like chromated copper
arsenate (CCA), creosote, and pentachlorophenol are not
registered to treat wood for consumers, including use in garden beds.14,15,18 The risks of using recycled wood treated with
creosote, and pentachlorophenol have not been evaluated by the EPA. However, it is
expected that the amount of leaching from used wood is less than from freshly treated wood.8,14,15
If compounds leach from treated wood, they may be available for uptake by garden plants. However, it
difficult to predict the amount of plant uptake. Materials used in treated wood that leach into soil
may be
to soil. They also may change into different forms that
plants cannot take in through their roots. Information about plant uptake is limited.
Plant uptake may depend on many factors, including plant type, soil type, and distance to the treated
For some components of treated wood, levels may be higher in the roots and fibrous plant
Other studies suggest accumulation in the leaves.20
amount of root uptake can also vary by plant or crop,
even when grown in the same soil.16
Here are a few considerations for treated wood use in a garden bed:
Generally, preservatives tend to move less in organic-rich soils.21
In one study, adding compost to soil reduced the
amount of arsenic taken up by carrot and lettuce plants.22
Consider planting edible crops away from the edges of garden beds. Soils next to treated wood
are likely
to have more
chemicals from the wood.
Peel root vegetables and wash soil from foods grown in a garden bed
with treated wood. Soil can have higher levels of
preservatives than the foods themselves.23
The amount of uptake of compounds from treated wood by plants is highly variable.
Many factors can affect whether a preservative can leach out of treated wood. Studies show that
leaching can
be highly variable. The type of preservative or wood and the manufacturing process can affect
leachability.4 Moisture, soil type,
soil contact, and soil acidity can also affect leaching.4,12,24,25,26 Metals from CCA, ACQ, and CA were least
mobile in
organic (compost-rich) soils.27 Most leaching occurs in the
first few months of use.4,8,21,28
Once an ingredient leaches from treated wood, it may stick or bind
to soil, making it less mobile. The distance a preservative may move could depend on the
soil, age
of wood, and type of preservative. Metals introduced into soil do not readily move downward
leaching, as most bind to soil. Introduction into groundwater may be limited.15,26
Water-Based Preservatives
Micronized Copper preservatives tend to leach less
copper than
other copper
based wood preservatives.4,5
Alkaline Copper Quaternary (ACQ) and Copper Azole< (CA)
generally leach more than CCA-treated wood. However, the parts that are released into
the environment tend to be lower in toxicity.4 Leaching of ACQ was studied in a
boardwalk. After one
year, copper levels were elevated up to two feet from the boardwalk.29
Chromated Copper
Arsenate (CCA) can leach copper, chromium, and arsenic. Copper
may leach the most readily. Chromium may be the least likely to leach.8
Other studies have shown that arsenic may leach more
readily.21,26,30 Copper and chromium tend to
better to
soils than arsenic, which tends to be more mobile.4,21
movement in soils can range from less than 6 inches to up to 8 feet from a
Oil-Based Preservatives
Copper Naphthenate is not highly soluble in water and is
slightly mobile in
soil.4,12,21 It may leach more in acidic soil
than in neutral soil. It is not expected to volatilize from the wood.12
Creosote has some compounds that leach from the wood.
components of
creosote may also volatilize from
treated wood.14
Pentachlorophenol is slightly mobile
soil.15 It
tends to leach
more readily in less acidic soils.25 Besides leaching, it may
also volatilize from treated wood.15
Rules about the disposal of treated wood may differ in each state. Treated wood that has not been
weathered (new
boards or poles) may be considered hazardous waste. If treated wood is not considered to be
hazardous waste,
it may be disposed of at a landfill or through municipal trash collection. Contact a hazardous
waste program in your state for
specific regulations about treated wood.
Do not burn treated wood. Chemicals in treated wood may become more harmful if they are burned and
Treated wood should never be used as compost or as mulch.
Can certified organic farms use treated wood?
Only specific pesticides defined by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) may be used to produce
foods. Lumber that contacts food, animals, or soil may only be treated with substances on the
National List
of Allowed and Prohibited Substances. Certain ingredients, such as arsenic, are not allowed for use in organic
Different rules may apply if treated wood will not contact soil, animals, or food. Consider
contacting a
certifying agent for details on how to comply.
Where can I get more information?
For more detailed information about sulfuryl fluoride please visit the list of referenced
resources or call the National Pesticide Information Center,
Monday - Friday, between 8:00am - 12:00pm Pacific Time (11:00am - 3:00pm Eastern Time) at
visit us on the web at NPIC provides
science-based answers to questions
about pesticides.
Date Reviewed:February 2019
Please cite as: Strid, A.; Hanson, W.; Cross, A.; Jenkins, J. 2019.
Treated Wood General Fact Sheet;
Information Center, Oregon State University Extension Services.
NPIC fact sheets are designed to answer questions
asked by the general public about pesticides that are regulated by the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA). This document is
intended to be educational in nature and helpful to consumers for
making decisions about pesticide use.