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Veterinary Pesticide Incident Reporting Overview

The Veterinary Pesticide Incident Reporting portal is only for use by veterinarians or their staff to report adverse effects of an animal's exposure to pesticides.

The purpose of this system is to gather information from qualified medical professionals. Use of this system by others is strongly discouraged and may result in the termination of this service.

Information from this portal may be directly sent in its entirety to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Data from this portal may be used to inform decision-making in the federal regulation of pesticides. Please note that the information submitted through this portal will not be used for targeted enforcement. If you wish to speak with someone about a potential investigation, please contact your state's pesticide regulatory agency for enforcement.

If you have questions or would prefer to report any adverse effect of a pesticide through the NPIC hotline, you may do so by calling NPIC at 800-858-7378.

The following details about the pages and fields in the portal may be helpful when entering an incident report into the portal.

Page 1: Contact Information

Field Required? Description/Options
Name Yes Provide your name
Title Yes Choose your occupation:
Other (please specify)
Clinic/Company Name Yes Enter your organizations name
Street Address Yes Enter your address
City Yes Enter your city
State Yes Click to select a state
Zip Code Yes Enter your zip code
Phone Number Yes Enter your phone number
Email Address Yes Enter your email address

Page 2: Pesticide Product Information

Field Required? Description/Options
Pesticide Registration Number No

Please provide the EPA Registration Number if possible. The Registration Number is located on the pesticide product labeling. This number is extremely important for reviewers to accurately record and assess an incident.

The pesticide registration number, a.k.a. "EPA Reg. Number," is the best piece of information about a product you can give us. The EPA Reg. Number provides a unique identifier for a specific product.

You should be able to find the EPA Reg. Number on the product label, usually in fine print close to where the active ingredients are listed.

The number will usually have at least one hyphen in it -- be sure to enter the number exactly as shown, including any hyphens, e.g. 12345-67 or 12345-67-89

Product Name No*

If you do not know the EPA Registration Number, please provide the pesticide product name and the active ingredient if you can. Many products have similar names. Providing the name and the active ingredient will allow reviewers of the report to better assess the incident. Many products have similar names and without the Registration Number reviewers will not be able to accurately record the product without both the name and active ingredient(s) as well.

*You will not be able to proceed to the next page without entering either an EPA Reg. No. or both a Product Name and Active Ingredient. If complete product information is not available, enter "Unknown."

Active Ingredient: No*

To ease entering complex ingredient names, you can type the first few characters and a list of matching ingredients will be provided that you may choose from.

*You will not be able to proceed to the next page without entering either an EPA Reg. No. or both a Product Name and Active Ingredient. If complete product information is not available, enter "Unknown."

AI% No Enter the percentage concentration of the active ingredient, if known.
Type of Pesticide No

Choose the type of pesticide from the list provided:

  • Insecticide (flea treatments, foggers)
  • Herbicide (grass/weed killers)
  • Rodenticide (mouse/rat baits)
  • Molluscicide (slug/snail baits)
  • Fungicide (mold/mildew treatments)
  • Other
Formulation No

Choose the product's formulation from the list provided:

  • Liquid
  • Aerosol
  • Spot-on
  • Shampoo/dip
  • Pellet/bait
  • Powder
  • Other

Page 3: Animal and Exposure Information

Field Required? Description/Options
Species Yes

Choose the species from the list provided:

  • Canine
  • Feline
  • Equine
  • Bovine
  • Other (specify below)
Breed No Provide the common breed of the species
Sex No

Choose the sex of the species from the list provided

  • Male
  • Neutered Male
  • Female
  • Neutered Female
Age No Enter the age and choose either days, months, or years
Weight No Enter the weight in pounds (lbs) or kilograms (kg)
Date of exposure No Enter the date of exposure in month/day/year format.
Date of examination No Enter the date of examination in month/day/year format.
In what U.S. state/territory did the exposure occur? Yes Click to select a state
Route(s) of Exposure (to pick more than one -- hold the [ctrl] or [command] key while clicking) Yes

Choose an exposure route from the list provided:

  • Dermal
  • Oral
  • Grooming of another animal
  • Inhalation
  • Other (describe below)
Additional Details of Exposure No Summarize additional details of the exposure here.
Toxicity/signs (to pick more than one -- hold the [ctrl] or [command] key while clicking) Yes

Choose the signs/symptoms from the list provided:

  • Tremor
  • Seizure
  • Depression
  • Excited/aggressive
  • Skin irritant
  • Skin ulcer
  • Sloughing
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
No toxicity/signs
Other (describe below)
Additional Details of Toxicity No Enter a summary of relevant clinical signs and/or a brief summary of lab work
Onset of symptoms No Enter the time in minutes, hours, or days
Outcome Yes

Choose an outcome from the list provided:

  • Case on-going
  • Currently ill
  • Recovered
  • Recovered with sequelae
  • Death
  • Unknown
Additional Details of Outcome No Enter a summary of additional details of outcome

Page 4: Additional Information (optional)

Optional: Please enter any additional information about the exposure as needed.

You may also use this screen to provide feedback or general comments to us about this reporting system, or you can Skip This Screen if you'd prefer.

The "Skip This Screen" button is available to skip past the form entirely.

Information from this portal may be directly sent in its entirety to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Data from this portal may be used to inform decision-making in the federal regulation of pesticides. Note that NPIC cannot ensure that personally identifiable information included in these reports will be kept confidential. Also note that the information submitted through this portal will not be used for targeted enforcement. If you wish to speak with someone about a potential investigation, please contact your state's pesticide regulatory agency for pesticide enforcement, or contact the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency at Report.Pesticide.Incident@epa.gov.

Page 5: Summary

This page provides a complete summary of the information entered into the report so far. The report has not been saved yet. You can save the report without review by clicking the "Save Immediately" button at the top of the page. You can also review the report and make changes using the various "Change..." buttons as necessary, and then save the report using the "Save" button at the bottom of the page.

Once you see this page, the report has been saved into the database and cannot be edited further. You may wish to record the Report ID if you wish to contact us about the report.

Thank you for using the Veterinary Pesticide Incident Reporting Portal!

Last updated July 25, 2017