International Pesticide Regulations
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International Pesticide Regulations
Different countries have different pesticide regulations. They include limits for pesticide residues on food, product registration requirements, and pesticide use restrictions. Because of these differences, pesticides in international trade can be subject to pesticide regulations from multiple countries.
Allowable Pesticide Residues on Commodities
Most countries, including the Unites States, regulate the amount of pesticide residue allowed on a given crop. The amount of pesticide residue allowed on a crop in one country may not be the same amount allowed on the same crop in another country. Imported crops are often subject to the regulations of the country accepting the crop.
- International Issues and Pesticide Labels - U.S. EPA
- International Activities Related to Pesticides - U.S. EPA
- Maximum Residue Limits (MRL) Database (food and agricultural commodities) - USDA Foreign Agricultural Service
Importing and Exporting Pesticides
If you import or export pesticides to and from the United States, consider these important tips:
- Any pesticide produced in a foreign nation must first be registered with the EPA before it can be imported into the United States.
- When EPA-registered pesticides are exported, they must be shipped with EPA-approved labels. The receiving country may require additional labeling to accompany the shipment.
- Some pesticides that are not EPA-registered may be manufactured in the U.S. and shipped to foreign nations.
- State regulations for the sale and use of pesticides can be more restrictive than federal regulations in the United States.
Additional Resources:
- Requirements for Importers and Exporters - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- Regional EPA Offices - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- Importing and Exporting Pesticides and Devices - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- Importing and Exporting Pesticide Products - The Border Center
- U.S. and International Pesticide Residue Limits - USDA/FAS Online
- Regulation of Pesticide Residues on Food - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- Indexes to Part 180 Tolerance Information for Pesticide Chemicals in Food and Feed Commodities - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- Aircraft Disinsection Requirments - Department of Transportation (DOT)
- International Programme on Chemical Safety - World Health Organization (WHO)
International Agencies:
- International Websites on Pesticides - OECD
- Canada: Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA)
- Codex Alimentarius Commission
- Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
- International Code of Conduct on Pesticide Management - FAO
- World Health Organization
- UK Chemicals Regulation Directorate
If you have questions about this, or any pesticide-related topic, please call NPIC at 800-858-7378 (8:00am - 12:00pm PST), or email at