Garden IPM
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Garden IPM
When you have a home garden, you're growing a food supply for pests and people alike. Watch out for pests that can damage your garden including bugs, diseases, animals and weeds. Once you know your pest, these quick tips may be helpful.
Using IPM techniques can reduce the need for pesticides in the long term. To prevent future pest problems, consider taking some proactive steps to pest-proof your garden.
- Select the right plants for the location; consider their needs for water and sun.
- Select disease-resistant varieties when certain diseases keep coming back.
- Water plants at ground level; wet leaves are more susceptible to disease.
- Remove dead plant material before spring; it can harbor diseases.
- Consider testing the soil for nutrients and minerals to plan fertilizer needs.
- Proper care and watering will produce healthier plants, which are better at resisting diseases and tolerating insects.
- Inspect your plants regularly in order to detect problems early.
- Determine if promoting beneficial insects may help prevent or control pests in your garden.
- Consider asking a master gardener from your local extension office to help identify and manage certain pests.
Additional Resources:
- Alternative Pesticide Management for the Lawn and Garden - Colorado State Extension
- Weed Control User Tool (WeedCUT) - University of California-Davis IPM
- What Gardeners Should Know about Pesticides - Purdue Extension
- Home, garden, turf, and landscape pests - University of California Statewide IPM Program
- Lawn and Garden - Environmental Protection Agency
- Greenscaping: The Easy Way to a Greener, Healthier Yard - Environmental Protection Agency
- Alternative Pesticide Management for the Lawn and Garden - Colorado State University
- Natural Pest, Weed & Disease Control - Seattle Public Utilities
- Home Garden Vegetable: Insect Control IPM Guide - Alabama Cooperative Extension System
If you have questions about this, or any pesticide-related topic, please call NPIC at 800-858-7378 (8:00am - 12:00pm PST), or email at
Last updated November 12, 2024