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Label and SDS Databases

You can use the databases linked below to search for product labels, and Safety Data Sheets (SDS). Some manufacturers post these items on their websites. Visit our manufacturer list to find websites and contact information for hundreds of pesticide manufacturers.

Keep these tips in mind when searching for a product label or SDS:


  1. NPIC Product Research Online (NPRO) - National Pesticide Information Center
    Designed for professionals using desktop computers, this tool performs powerful product searches and is lightning quick! Search for pesticide products by name, EPA registration number, manufacturer, use site, active ingredient, pest, product type, formulation, signal word, or a combination of these. Refine previous searches using additional criteria and view individual product information in a simple format. See synonyms for active ingredients and follow them directly to EPA's ChemSearch related science and regulations. Product details and federal product labels can be bookmarked or shared.
  2. National Pesticide Information Retrieval System (NPIRS) - Purdue University
    NPIRS uses data from the EPA's Pesticide Product Information System (PPIS) to retrieve information on EPA-registered and cancelled products, chemical ingredients, and firms/registrants.
  3. Pesticide Product Label System (PPLS) - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
    Search for pesticide product labels by EPA Registration number.
  4. Consumer Product Information Database - DeLima Associates
    This database includes health and safety information on household products.
  5. CDPR Databases - California Department of Pesticide Regulation (CDPR)
    Search for chemical ingredients, products, labels and registrant information for pesticide products registered in California.
  6. Pest Management Support Technical Guidance - Armed Forces Pest Management Board
    These lists include product labels and SDS for each product.
  7. Greenbook Label and SDS Database - Greenbook
    This database provides access to the label and SDS for many agricultural pesticide products.
  8. CDMS Label and SDS Database - Crop Data Management System, Inc.
    This collection includes product labels and SDSs for agricultural pesticide products.
  9. Pesticide Manufacturers - NPIC
    Find their websites, contact information, and direct links to their product search interfaces.

If you have questions about this, or any pesticide-related topic, please call NPIC at 800-858-7378 (8:00am - 12:00pm PST), or email us at npic@ace.orst.edu.

Last updated November 07, 2023