Fabricantes de pesticidas, formuladores, productores e información de las empresas solicitantes de registro
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Fabricantes de pesticidas, formuladores, productores e información de las empresas solicitantes de registro
Fabricantes de pesticidas, formuladores, productores e información de las empresas solicitantes de registro

Los fabricantes de pesticidas, formuladores, productores, y solicitantes de registro pueden proporcionarle información valiosa sobre sus productos pesticidas. Debe ponerse en contacto con la empresa si necesita información con respecto a lo siguiente:
- Procedimientos de limpieza para derrames pequeños.
- Ingredientes inertes.
- Período de vigencia de un producto.
- Etiquetas de productos.
- Hoja de datos de seguridad (MSDS).
Los especialistas de NPIC frecuentemente reciben preguntas sobre productos pesticidas de las empresas que aparecen listadas a continuación. Este listado se ofrece solamente con fines informativos y no implica que NPIC apruebe estas empresas o sus productos..
Haga clic en una de las compañías en la lista de abajo para ver su número telefónico y dirección.
Return to topNota: Si no encuentra una empresa en la lista, busque en el Sistema de bases de datos de información de productos pesticidas, NPIRS (en inglés).
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 1 Priority Biocidal LLC (ver Goodway Technologies Corporation)
- 3M
- A.H. Hoffman, Inc. (ver Good Earth Horticulture, Inc.)
- AAHA MarketLink
- Abbott Laboratories
- ABC Compounding Co., Inc.
- Absorbent Products, LTD
- Absorbine (ver W.F. Young Inc.)
- Aceto Agricultural Chemicals Corporation
- ADAPCO (ver Azelis Agricultural & Environmental Solutions)
- ADM Alliance Nutrition, Inc.
- AEF Global
- Afton Chemical
- AGC Chemicals Americas, Inc.
- AgrEvo (ver Bayer CropScience)
- Agrisel USA, Inc.
- Agrium U.S., Inc.
- Agro Logistics Systems, Inc.
- Agway, Inc. (ver Southern States Cooperative, Inc.)
- Airgas, Inc.
- Airosol Company, Inc.
- Albaugh, Inc.
- Albemarle Corporation
- AlEn USA
- Alex C. Fergusson LLC (aka AFCO)
- Alliance Trading Inc. (ver POOLCORP)
- Alligare LLC
- Alljack (ver United Industries Corporation)
- AllPro Vector Group
- Ambrands
- AMDRO (ver Ambrands)
- Ameribrom, Inc. (ver ICL-IP America)
- American Brand (ver Voluntary Purchasing Group)
- American Cleaning Solutions
- American Cyanamid (ver BASF)
- AmTide LLC (ver Helena Agri-Enterprises LLC)
- AmTide LLC, dba Tide International USA, Inc.
- AMVAC Chemical Corporation
- Anderson Chemical Company
- Andersons Inc., The
- Angus Chemical Company
- Animal Health International
- Apollo Industries, Inc. (ver Apollo Technologies, Inc.)
- Apollo Technologies, Inc.
- Applied Biochemists
- Aquacide Company
- Aquarium Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
- ArborSystems, Inc.
- Arch Chemicals, Inc. (ver Solenis LLC)
- Arch Wood Protection, Inc. (ver Solenis LLC)
- Arizona Chemical Group
- Arkema, Inc.
- Arkion Life Sciences LLC
- Arm & Hammer (ver Church & Dwight Co., Inc.)
- Armchem, Inc.
- Arysta LifeScience Corporation (ver UPL NA, Inc.)
- Athea Laboratories, Inc.
- Athena Products Corporation (ver Kittrich Corporation)
- Atlantic Mills (ver ITW Professional Brands)
- Atlas Chemical Corp.
- Atofina Chemicals, Inc. (ver Arkema, Inc.)
- Atticus LLC
- Auto-Chlor System
- Avenger Products LLC
- Aventis (ver Bayer CropScience)
- Avitrol Corporation
- Avon Products
- Azelis Agricultural & Environmental Solutions
- B & K Distributors
- Baker Hughes, Inc.
- Baker Petrolite Corporation (ver Baker Hughes, inc.)
- Baleco International, Inc.
- Bay Tech Chemical Company
- Bayer Advanced
- Bayer Animal Health (ver Elanco Animal Health)
- Bayer CropScience
- Bayer Environmental Science
- Beachcomber Hot Tubs
- Becker Microbial Products
- Becker Underwood, Inc. (ver BASF)
- Bedoukian Research, Inc.
- Bell Laboratories, Inc.
- Bengal Chemical, Inc.
- BetaTec Hop Products
- Bio-Dex Laboratories, Inc.
- Bioganic Safety Brands (ver EcoSMART Technologies)
- BioLogic Company, Inc.
- Biological Solutions LLC
- BioMed Protect LLC
- BioSafe Systems LLC
- Bioverse, Inc.
- BioWorks, Inc.
- Bird Shield Repellent Corporation (ver Bird-X, Inc.)
- Bird-X, Inc.
- Black Flag (ver United Industries Corporation)
- Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc.
- BOLD Formulators LLC
- Bonide Products LLC
- Borax (Rio Tinto Borates)
- Brandt Consolidated, Inc.
- Brenco Corporation, The
- Maia Products, Inc. – Hormex
- Buckman Laboratories, Inc.
- Bug Stop, Inc., The
- BUGG Products LLC
- Bullen Companies, The
- Burgess (ver Fountain Head Group, The)
- Burlington Biomedical & Scientific Corporation (ver Grant Laboratories)
- C.D. Ford and Sons, Inc.
- C.J. Martin (ver Control Solutions, Inc.)
- Camie-Campbell, Inc.
- Canberra Corporation
- CAPInnoVet, Inc.
- Cape Fear Chemicals, Inc.
- Caravan Ingredients (ver Corbion)
- Cardinal Laboratories, Inc.
- Cardinal Professional Products
- Care Labs, Inc.
- CarrollCLEAN
- Celex (ver United Industries Corporation)
- Central Garden & Pet
- Central Life Sciences
- Central Solutions, Inc.
- Cerexagri, Inc. (ver UPL NA, Inc.)
- Certis USA LLC
- Cetylite Industries, Inc.
- CEVA Animal Health LLC
- Champion Animal Health
- Chase Products Corporation
- Chattem, Inc.
- Cheltec, Inc.
- Chem Lab Products, Inc. (ver KIK Pool Additives, Inc. (Kem-Tek))
- Chem One, Ltd.
- Chem-Tech, Ltd. (ver Neogen Corporation)
- Chemical Specialties, Inc.
- Cheminova, Inc. USA (ver FMC Corporation)
- Chemsico (ver Spectrum Brands (aka Spectrum Group))
- Chemstar Corporation
- ChemTica Internacional, S. A.
- Chemtura Corporation
- CHS Global, Inc.
- Church & Dwight Co., Inc.
- Claire Manufacturing
- Clariant Corporation
- Clarke Mosquito Control Products, Inc.
- Clean Control Corporation
- CleanWell Company
- Cleary Chemical Corporation (ver Nufarm Americas, Inc.)
- Clorox
- Cognis Corporation (ver BASF)
- Coleman Company, Inc.
- Colgate-Palmolive Company
- Combat (ver Henkel of America, Inc.)
- ConidioTec, LLC
- Consep (ver Suterra LLC)
- Contec, Inc.
- Contech, Inc.
- Contract Packaging, Inc.
- Control Solutions, Inc.
- Coopers Animal Health, Inc. (ver Merck Animal Health)
- Copper Brite, Inc.
- Coppertone (ver Merck & Co., Inc.)
- Corbion
- CoreTex Products, Inc.
- Corry's Slug & Snail (ver Matson LLC)
- Corteva Agriscience
- Coulston Products, Inc (ver Sawyer Products)
- Country Vet (ver Zep, Inc.)
- CPC Aeroscience, Inc. (ver PLZ Corp)
- CR Brands, Inc. (ver Church & Dwight Co., Inc.)
- Cramer Products, Inc.
- Creative Sales, Inc.
- CTX-Cenol, Inc.
- Cutter
- Cutting Edge Formulations, Inc.
- CVS Corporation
- Cytec Industries, Inc. (ver Solvay Chemicals, Inc.)
- D.W. Davies and Company, Inc.
- DampRid (ver W. M. Barr & Company)
- Danolyte Global, Inc.
- Dawn Chemical Corporation
- Deer-Off (ver Woodstream Corporation)
- Degesch America, Inc.
- Degil Safety Products, Inc.
- Del Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (ver Church & Dwight Co., Inc.)
- DeLaval, Inc.
- Delst, Inc.
- Dermaegis, Inc.
- DM Resources, Inc. (ver NCH Corporation)
- Diversey, Inc.
- Douglas Products
- Dow AgroSciences (ver Corteva Agriscience)
- Dow Chemical Company, The
- Dr. T's Nature Products (ver Professional Pest Control Products of Pensacola, Inc.) )
- Dragon Chemical / Burlington Scientific (ver Bonide Products LLC)
- Drexel Chemical Company
- Du Pont Corporation (Centro de información)
- Duke's Root Control, Inc.
- Durvet, Inc.
- DVM Resources (ver Animal Health International)
- E. B. Stone & Son, Inc.
- E.M. Matson (Corry's Slug) (ver Matson LLC)
- Earl May Seed & Nursery
- Earth Biosciences, Inc. (ver Novozymes Biologicals, Inc.)
- Earth City Resources (ver Virbac Corporation)
- Easy Gardener Products, Inc.
- Eau Claire Co-op Oil / Chippewa Valley Energy
- EcoClean Solutions, Inc. (Green Gobbler)
- EcoClear Products
- Ecogen, Inc.
- EcoHealth, Inc.
- Ecolab
- Ecological Laboratories, Inc.
- Ecology Works
- EcoSMART Technologies
- Ecto Development Corporation
- Elanco Animal Health
- Elf Atochem (ver Arkema, Inc.)
- Enforcer (ver Zep, Inc.)
- Enoz (ver Willert Home Products)
- Ensystex, Inc.
- Entech Systems Corporation
- EnviroMan, Inc. (ver Sungro Products LLC)
- EnvirOx
- eOn mist LLC
- Espoma Company, The
- Exacto, Inc.
- Excel Marketing (ver Central Garden & Pet)
- Exit Holdings LLC
- Farnam Companies, Inc.
- Fertilome (ver Voluntary Purchasing Group)
- Fiberlock Technologies, Inc.
- Fleischmann's Vinegar Company, Inc.
- Florida Insect Control Group, LLC
- Fly Guard Systems, Inc.
- FMC Corporation
- Fort Dodge Animal Health (ver Zoetis)
- Fountain Head Group, The
- Four Paws Products Ltd.
- Frank Miller & Sons, Inc.
- Freeport-McMoRan Sierrita, Inc.
- Fuller Brush Company, The
- Fuzion Technologies LLC
- Garden Safe Brand
- Gardens Alive!, Inc.
- GardenTech (aka TechPac)
- Garlic Research Labs, Inc
- GEA Farm Technologies
- Gelco Supply, Inc. (ver RootX Root Control Corporation)
- Gem City Chemicals
- General Chemical Company (ver RootX Root Control Corporation)
- General Hydroponics
- Generic Crop Science LLC
- GeoGlobal Partners LLC
- Georgia-Pacific Wood Products LLC
- Global Environmental Restoration
- Good Earth Horticulture, Inc.
- Goodway Technologies Corporation
- Gordon Chemical Company (ver PBI/Gordon Corporation)
- Gowan Company
- Grant Laboratories (ver Central Garden & Pet)
- Great Lakes Chemical Corporation (ver Chemtura Corporation)
- Green Light Products (ver Scotts Company LLC, The)
- Green Products Company
- Greenbug, Inc.
- GreenCure Solutions
- Greenscapes Home & Garden Products, Inc.
- Greenstar Ag Chemical, Inc.
- Griffin LLC (ver Du Pont Corporation (Centro de Información)
- Gro Green, Inc.
- Gro Tec, Inc. (ver Pennington verd)
- Gustafson (ver Bayer CropScience)
- H. B. Fuller Construction Products, Inc.
- H. Wilson Manufacturing Co., Inc.
- H.R. McLane
- Hacco, Inc.
- Halosil International, Inc.
- Happy Jack, Inc.
- Harrell's LLC
- Hartz Mountain Corporation, The
- Havahart (ver Woodstream Corporation)
- HBC Chemical (ver Howard Berger Company LLC)
- Heartland Labs
- Helena Agri-Enterprises LLC
- Henkel of America, Inc.
- Henry Schein, Inc.
- Hercon Environmental
- Hi-Yield (ver Voluntary Purchasing Group)
- Hickson Corporation (ver Arch Chemicals, Inc.)
- Hill Manufacturing Company, Inc.
- Hoescht-Roussel (ver Bayer CropScience)
- Homax Products, Inc.
- Home Care Labs, Inc. (ver KIK Consumer Products, Inc.)
- Honeywell, Inc.
- Howard Fertilizer & Chemical Company
- Howard Johnson's Enterprises
- HPI Products, Inc.
- HTH Pools
- Hub States LLC
- Hubbard-Hall
- Humco Holding Group, inc.
- Hydrite Chemical Company
- Hydro Balance Corporation
- I. Schneid (ver ABC Compounding Co., Inc.)
- IBC Manufacturing Company (ver ISK Biocides, Inc.)
- ICL-IP America
- Igene Biotechnology, Inc.
- Illinois Tool Works, Inc.
- Image Products (ver Ambrands)
- IMC Vigoro (ver Mosaic Company, The)
- Imerys Minerals California, Inc.
- Imperial Supplies LLC
- IMS Trading LLC
- Infinity Lawn and Garden (ver Schultz Company)
- Infruta S.A. Proteku (ver Technology Sciences Group, Inc.)
- Innovative Chemical Corporation
- Innovative Textile Solutions
- Innvictis Crop Care LLC
- Insect Shield International LLC
- Insumos Fruticolas S.A. Infruta (ver Technology Sciences Group, Inc.)
- Intagra, Inc. (ver Woodstream Corporation)
- Interlux
- International Paint, LLC (ver Interlux)
- Intervet Schering-Plough (División de salud animal) (ver Merck Animal Health)
- Invisible Shield Technologies
- IQ Products Company
- Ironite Products (ver Central Garden & Pet)
- ISK Biocides, Inc.
- ITW Dymon (ver ITW Professional Brands)
- ITW Professional Brands
- J & L Adikes, Inc.
- J. R. Simplot Company
- J. R. Watkins, Inc.
- J. T. Eaton & Co., Inc.
- Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
- Jasco Chemical (ver Homax Products, Inc.)
- Jenfitch, Inc.
- JH Biotech, Inc.
- JMS Flower Farms, Inc.
- John Deere Landscapes Enterprise Services (ver SiteOne Landscape Supply, Inc.)
- Jonathan Green, Inc.
- Jungle Laboratories Corporation
- K-G Packaging, Inc. (ver PLZ Corp)
- Kay Dee Feed Company
- KAZ, Inc.
- Kellogg Garden Products
- Kemin Industries, Inc.
- KGro (ver United Industries Corporation)
- KIK Consumer Products, Inc.
- KIK Pool Additives, Inc. (Kem-Tek)
- Kimberly-Clark Corporation
- King Technology, Inc.
- Kittrich Corporation
- Kleenex (ver Kimberly-Clark Corporation)
- KMG Chemicals
- Knox Fertilizer Company, Inc.
- Korex Corporation, The
- Kroger Company, The
- Landis International Inc.
- Lanxess Corporation
- Lawn and Garden Products, Inc.
- Lebanon Seaboard Corporation
- Legend Brands
- Lesco, Inc. (ver John Deere Landscapes Enterprise Services)
- Leslie's Poolmart, Inc.
- Leslie's Swimming Pool Supplies (ver Leslie's Poolmart, Inc.)
- Liberty Crop Protection LLC (ver Innvictis Crop Care LLC)
- Lilly Miller
- Liphatech, Inc.
- Liquid Fence Company
- Lonza, Inc.
- Louisiana Chemical Association
- Loveland Products, Inc.
- LPM Manufacturing, Inc. (ver Leslie's Poolmart, Inc.)
- Luxembourg-Pamol, Inc.
- M & R Durango, Inc.
- M & S Research, Inc.
- Macdermid Agricultural Solutions, Inc. c/o Arysta Lifescience North America
- Mace Security International, Inc.
- Maid Brands, Inc.
- Mann Lake Ltd.
- Manna Pro Products LLC
- Maril Products, Inc.
- Marion Ag Services
- Marman USA (ver Nufarm Americas, Inc.)
- Marrone Bio Innovations (ver Pro Farm Group, Inc.)
- Mason Chemical Company (ver Pilot Chemical Company)
- Matson LLC
- Mauget, Inc.
- Maxforce Products (ver Bayer CropScience)
- McGrayel Company, Inc.
- McLaughlin Gormley King Company
- Medical Chemical Corporation
- Medline Industries, LP
- Meijer, Inc.
- Merck & Co., Inc.
- Merck Animal Health
- Merial
- Merritt Veterinary Supplies, Inc. (ver Henry Schein, Inc.)
- Messinas
- Micro Flo Products (ver Arysta LifeScience Corporation)
- Microban International, Ltd.
- Microgen (ver BASF)
- Micropel LLC (ver Troy Corporation)
- Midland, Inc.
- Midwest Veterinary Supply, Inc.
- Milfred Products
- Miller Chemical & Fertilizer Corporation
- Momar, Inc.
- Monsanto Company (ver Bayer CropScience)
- Monterey Ag Resources
- Monterey Chemical Company (ver Monterey Ag Resources)
- Morgro, Inc.
- Mosaic Company, The
- Motomco
- Multi-Pack Solutions LLC
- Multinational Resources, Inc.
- MWI Veterinary Supply, Inc.
- My Imports USA LLC
- Mycogen (ver Dow AgroSciences)
- Mystic Chemical & Susan Products
- National Chelating Corporation
- Natural Chemistry, Inc.
- Natural Guard (ver Voluntary Purchasing Group)
- Nature-Cide (ver Pacific Shore Holdings, Inc.)
- NCH Corporation
- Neogen Corporation
- Neudorff USA, Inc.
- Neutron Industries
- Nisus Corporation
- Nitro-Phos Fertilizer, Inc.
- Noble Pine Products Company
- NOD Apiary Products, Inc.
- Nor-Am Chem (ver Bayer CropScience)
- Nott Products Co., Inc.
- Novartis Animal Health US, Inc. (ver Elanco Animal Health)
- Novozymes Biologicals, Inc.
- Nu-Calgon
- Nufarm Americas, Inc.
- Nutrien Ag Solutions, Inc.
- Occidental Chemical Corporation
- OdorStar, LLC
- OHP, Inc.
- OHSO Clean, Inc. (ver CleanWell Company)
- Old Bridge Chemicals, Inc.
- Olvidium
- OR-CAL, Inc.
- Orange Guard, Inc.
- Organic Laboratories, Inc.
- Orgill, Inc.
- Ortho (Servicio al consumidor)
- Oxford & Hill Home Products
- Pace International LLC
- Pacific Shore Holdings, Inc.
- Paragon Professional Pest Control Products
- Parry America, Inc.
- PBI/Gordon Corporation
- PCI Animal Health (ver MWI Veterinary Supply, Inc.)
- Penetone Corporation
- Pennington Seed
- Perma-Guard, Inc.
- Permatex
- Perrigo Company
- Pet Logic LLC (ver Sergeant's Pet Care Products, Inc.)
- PetArmor FidoPharm, Inc.
- PF. Harris Manufacturing Co. LLC
- Pfizer Animal Health (ver Zoetis)
- Phaeton Corporation (ver Pennington Seed)
- Pharm Solutions Inc
- Phoenix Products Company, Inc.
- Phyllom BioProducts Corporation
- PIC Corporation
- Pilot Chemical Company
- Pine Glo Products
- Pioneer Chemical Company
- Plant Biotech, Inc.
- Plant Care Science
- Plus Natural Solutions Worldwide, Inc.
- PLZ Corp
- PM Resources, Inc.
- Pond Boss GeoGlobal Partners LLC
- PPG Industries
- Praxair, Inc.
- Prentiss, Inc. (ver Envincio)
- Preserve International
- Prestige Brands Holdings, Inc.
- Prime Source LLC
- Prince Agri Products, Inc.
- Pro Chem, Inc.
- ProFarm Group, Inc.
- Pro Products LLC
- Pro-Guard, Inc. (ver E. B. Stone & Son, Inc.)
- Pro-Tech Livestock Corporation
- Pro-Tex-All
- Procter & Gamble
- Professional Pest Control Products of Pensacola, Inc.
- Professional Supply, Inc.
- PROKoZ, Inc.
- Promotia International, Inc.
- Protexall Products, Inc.
- Purac America (ver Corbion)
- PureShield, Inc (ver Invisible Shield Technologies)
- PureWorks LLC
- Pyranha, Inc.
- Pytech Chemicals GMBH (ver Dow AgroSciences)
- Quali-Pro
- Quality Borate Company LLC
- Quantum, Inc.
- QuestSpecialty Corporation
- Quip Laboratories
- Ragan & Massey, Inc.
- Ram Chemical & Supply, Inc. (ver Leslie's Poolmart, Inc.)
- RCO International, Inc.
- Realex Corporation (ver United Industries Corporation)
- Reckitt Benckiser, Inc.
- Recreational Equipment, Inc. (REI)
- Reefer-Galler (ver Willert Home Products)
- Regal Chemical Company
- Rejoice International, Inc.
- Repar Corporation
- Repellex USA, Inc.
- Research Products Company
- Retta Manufacturing, Inc. (ver Matson LLC)
- Rhone-Poulenc (ver Bayer CropScience)
- Rightline USA
- Ringer (ver Woodstream Corporation)
- Riverdale Chemical (ver Nufarm Americas, Inc.)
- Robeco, Inc.
- Rockwell Labs, Ltd.
- Rod Products Co., Inc. (ver Sungro Products LLC)
- Rodent Sheriff
- Roebic Laboratories, Inc.
- Rohm & Haas Company (ver Dow Chemical Company, The)
- Rooto Corporation
- RootX Root Control Corporation
- Rotam North America, Inc. (ver Albaugh, Inc.)
- Roxide International, Inc.
- Rust-oleum Corporation
- S.C. Johnson
- Safe-Tee Chemical Company
- Safeguard Chemical Corporation
- Safer (ver Woodstream Corporation)
- Sanco Industries, Inc.
- Sandoz (ver BASF)
- Sawyer Products
- SBM Life Science Corporation
- Schering-Plough (Productos para el cuidado de la salud) (ver Merck & Co., Inc.)
- Schultz Company
- Scimetrics Ltd. Corporation
- Scotts Company LLC, The
- Security Equipment Corporation
- Select Source LLC
- Senoret Chemical Company, Inc.
- Sensible Life Products
- Sentricon (ver Corteva Agriscience)
- Sentry Industries
- SePRO Corporation
- Sergeant's Pet Care Products, Inc.
- Seventh Generation
- Sewer Sciences, Inc. (ver Duke's Root Control, Inc.)
- Shaklee Corporation
- Share Corporation
- SharkNinja Operating LLC
- Shell Chemicals LP
- Sherwin-Williams Company, The
- Shipp Cleaning Systems
- Shoo-Fly, Inc.
- Siamons International
- Sigma Chemical Corporation
- Sigura (Innovative Water Care) (ver Solenis LLC)
- Silver Creek Products, Ltd.
- Sipcam Agro USA, Inc.
- SiteOne Landscape Supply, Inc.
- Smartpond GeoGlobal Partners LLC
- SmithKline Beecham (ver Zoetis)
- Soil Chemical Corporation (ver Cardinal Professional Products)
- Solenis LLC
- Soluneem, Inc
- Solvay Chemicals, Inc.
- Sostram Corporation (ver Sipcam Agro USA, Inc.)
- Southern Agricultural Insecticides, Inc.
- Southern States Cooperative, Inc.
- Spartan Chemical Company, Inc.
- Specialty Chemical Manufacturing
- Specialty Construction Brands, Inc. (ver H. B. Fuller Construction Products, Inc.)
- Spectrum Brands (aka Spectrum Group)
- Speer Products, Inc. (ver Apollo Technologies, Inc.)
- Sporicidin International (ver Contec, Inc.)
- Sprayway, Inc.
- St. Gabriel Organics (aka St. Gabriel Laboratories)
- State Industrial Products
- Stepan Company USA
- Sterling International, Inc.
- Stinger (ver KAZ, Inc.)
- Stoker Company (ver Gowan Company)
- Stoller USA
- Straight Arrow Products, Inc.
- Sumitomo Chemical America, Inc.
- Summit Chemical Company
- Summit VetPharm (ver CEVA Animal Health LLC)
- Sunburst Chemicals, Inc
- Sungro Products LLC
- Sunniland Corporation
- Sunoco, Inc.
- Sureco (ver AGC Chemicals Americas, Inc.)
- Suterra LLC
- SynergyLabs
- Syngenta Corporation
- T & L Pest Control, Inc.
- T&N, Inc.
- Tacoma AG LLC (ver Atticus LLC)
- Tanglefoot Company (ver Contech, Inc.)
- Target Speciality Products
- Tec Laboratories, Inc.
- Technology Sciences Group, Inc.
- TechPac LLC
- Tender Corporation
- Tenkoz, Inc.
- Terramera, Inc.
- Tetra (ver United Pet Group, Inc.)
- Thatcher Company
- The Pond Guy
- Theochem Laboratories
- Thermo Trilogy (ver Certis USA LLC)
- Thunder Mountain International
- Tide International USA, Inc.
- Tigris, LLC
- Topaz Turf Corporation
- Total Solutions (ver Athea Laboratories, Inc.)
- TotalPond GeoGlobal Partners LLC
- Transbas, Inc.
- Triad Chemical Company
- Trical, Inc.
- Troy Biosciences, Inc.
- Troy Corporation
- True Value Company
- TruRx LLC (Vet IQ)
- TruServ Corporation (ver True Value Company)
- Tyratech, Inc.
- U.S. Borax (ver Borax (Rio Tinto Borates))
- Udap Industries, Inc.
- Ultrasol Industries, Ltd.
- Uni-Chem of Florida
- Unicorn Labs (ver Pennington verd)
- Uniroyal Chemical (ver Chemtura Corporation)
- United Agri Products (ver Crop Production Services, Inc.)
- United Chemical Corporation
- United Industries Corporation
- United Pet Group, Inc. (ver Spectrum Brands (aka Spectrum Group))
- United Phosphorus, Inc. (ver UPL NA, Inc.)
- United Turf Alliance LLC
- Univar USA, Inc.
- Universal Cooperatives, Inc.
- UPL NA, Inc.
- UrthTech LLC
- Valent BioSciences Corporation
- Valent USA Corporation (Productos agrícolas)
- Valtris Specialty Chemicals
- Value Garden Supply (ver AllPro Vector Group)
- Van Diest Supply Company
- Van Waters and Rogers (ver Univar USA, Inc.)
- Velsicol Chemical LLC
- Verdant Brands, Inc. (ver Woodstream Corporation)
- Vertellus Performance Materials, Inc.
- Veseris
- Vestaron Corporation
- Vi-Jon
- Viance LLC
- Virbac Corporation
- Vital Solutions
- Vivimed Labs USA, Inc.
- Voluntary Purchasing Group
- W. M. Barr & Company
- W.F. Young Inc.
- W.R. Grace & Company
- W.W. Grainger, Inc.
- Walco-Linck (ver United Industries Corporation)
- Walgreen Company
- Warehouse Pool Supply (ver Leslie's Poolmart, Inc.)
- Water Environmental Technologies Inc. (ver General Hydroponics)
- Water Utility Chemicals, Inc.
- Waterbury Companies, Inc.
- Waxie Sanitary Supply
- Weco Products, Inc.
- West Agro, Inc. (ver DeLaval, Inc.)
- Wet & Forget USA
- Whitmire Microgen (ver BASF)
- Wilbro, Inc. (ver Harrell's LLC)
- Wilbur-Ellis Company
- Wilco Distributors, Inc.
- Willert Home Products
- Willowood USA
- WinField United
- Winston Company, Inc. (ver The Pond Guy)
- Wisconsin Pharmacal Company
- Witco Chemical Corporation (ver Chemtura Corporation)
- Woodstream Corporation
- WPC Brands (ver United Industries Corporation)
- WR Sweeney (ver Senoret Chemical Company, Inc.)
- XT-2000
- Y-Tex Corporation
- Zamzows
- Zeneca (ver Syngenta Corporation)
- Zep Commercial, Inc. (ver Zep, Inc.)
- Zep, Inc.
- Zinsser Company, Inc. (ver Rust-oleum Corporation)
- Zodiac Pool Systems, Inc.
- Zoetis