Prodiamine is an herbicide that works by preventing cells
in plants' roots and
shoots from dividing. It is low in toxicity to people. It does not dissolve
in water and binds tightly to soil. It
breaks down slowly in soil,
but rapidly if exposed to sunlight or if it is in water. Prodiamine is low in toxicity to bees and other beneficial
insects but moderately toxic to earthworms. It is toxic
to some aquatic animals. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) considers prodiamine a
human carcinogen."
Prodiamine belongs to a group of human-made herbicides called dinitroanilines.
Prodiamine is used in non-crop areas, nurseries, golf courses, and residential land.1 It was first
registered for use in 1992.2
Prodiamine is used to control annual grasses and broadleaf weeds.3,4
is a selective herbicide that can be used before planting or emergence.4,5
What are some products that contain prodiamine?
There are over 500 pesticide products that contain prodiamine.6
Prodiamine is sometimes used in products with other herbicides. Some
with prodiamine might also contain fertilizers. Prodiamine is used as a dust, emulsifiable concentrate,
concentrate, water dispersible granule, dry flowable, flowable concentrate, granular, or ready-to-use
Technical Grade Prodiamine:
This fact sheet refers to the technical grade, or "pure" prodiamine only.
Products you buy from the store include other ingredients as well. While many of the chemicals used
as other
ingredients may not pose health or environmental risks,
some of them can be toxic. In some cases, the other ingredients can pose greater risks than the
active ingredient itself.
Photo credit: USDA NRCS Montana, flickr
How does prodiamine work?
Prodiamine interferes with cell division to stop root and shoot growth.9
How might I be exposed to prodiamine?
You could be exposed to prodiamine while using a product or if you are too close to an application.
breathe it in, get it on your skin, or get it in your eyes. You could be exposed if you eat or smoke
making an application without washing your hands. Granules could be mistaken for food crumbs by pets
children. Prodiamine is not used on any food crops, so it is not expected to be a residue on
Prodiamine may occur at low concentrations in drinking
IMPORTANT: Always follow
instructions and take steps to minimize
exposure. If any exposures occur, be sure to follow the First
Aid instructions on the product label carefully. For additional treatment advice, contact
the Poison
Center at 800-222-1222. If you wish to discuss
problem, please call
NPIC at 800-858-7378.
What are some signs and symptoms from a brief exposure to Bt?
People who have been exposed to enough prodiamine had headaches, dizziness, respiratory
irritation, skin
irritation, eye irritation, chest pain, coughing, stomach pain, twitching, and
No information was found on symptoms people experienced after being exposed to
prodiamine by mouth.
who swallowed another dinitroaniline herbicide called pendimethalin experienced symptoms
of nausea,
vomiting, and sore throat. More severe cases included seizures, and vomiting
blood.13 As with any pesticide, more exposure may lead to
more harm.
When it gets on the skin, prodiamine is low in toxicity.7
When researchers tested prodiamine on the skin of laboratory rabbits, it was
A formulated herbicide product containing prodiamine was found to be a skin sensitizer
in guinea
If prodiamine gets in your eyes, it can cause mild eye irritation
and redness.11
Based on numerous studies and data, it is unlikely that prodiamine is
However, in one rat study, rats fed 2000
mg/kg of prodiamine were less
and had reduced movements 5 hours after exposure.12
For more information about how NPIC finds scientific studies, see our page on Writing
Fact Sheets.
box about mg/kg)
High Toxicity
Moderate Toxicity
Low Toxicity
Very Low Toxicity
Acute Oral LD50
≤ 50 mg/kg
> 50-500 mg/kg
> 500-5000 mg/kg
>5000 mg/kg
Inhalation LC50
≤ 0.05 mg/L
> 0.05-0.5 mg/L
> 0.5-2.0 mg/L
> 2.0 mg/L
Dermal LD50
≤ 200 mg/kg
> 200-2000 mg/kg
> 2000-5000 mg/kg
> 5000 mg/kg
Primary Eye Irritation
Corrosive (irreversible destruction of ocular tissue) or corneal
involvement or
persisting for more than 21 days
Corneal involvement or other eye irritation clearing in 8 - 21 days
Corneal involvement or other eye irritation clearing in 7 days or less
Minimal effects clearing in less than 24 hours
Primary Skin Irritation
Corrosive (tissue destruction into the dermis and/or scarring)
Severe irritation at 72 hours (severe erythema or edema)
Moderate irritation at 72 hours (moderate erythema)
Mild or slight irritation at 72 hours (no irritation or
You may be wondering why the "High Toxicity" column has smaller
numbers than the "Low Toxicity"
column. This is because if a smaller amount of the pesticide caused a health effect, it's
toxic. If it takes a larger amount of the pesticide to cause a health effect, it's less
What is a mg/kg?
"Mg/kg" is a way to measure a chemical dose. This can tell us how toxic a chemical
is. "Mg" means
of a chemical. "Kg" means one kilogram of an animal's body weight. Something that is
highly toxic
kill a
person with a very small amount of chemical. If something is very low in toxicity,
it may take much
that same person to
become very sick or die.
What happens to prodiamine when it enters the body?
When prodiamine enters the body, it is rapidly excreted. After 24 hours, rats eliminated around 70% of the
dose. Most of the prodiamine was detected in the feces. The amount found in tissue 4 days later was 0.5-1.4%
the initial dose.13
Researchers gave rats a single dose of either 10 mg/kg or 400 mg/kg prodiamine. They also fed the rats daily
10 mg/kg prodiamine for 2 weeks. In all cases, the rats had eliminated the prodiamine within 4 days after
feeding had stopped. Female rats had higher tissue levels of prodiamine. The residues were found throughout
body. Most of the dose was eliminated in the feces and urine.7
There are no studies available on dermal absorption, or how well prodiamine passes through the skin. However,
U.S. EPA used a related chemical to estimate dermal absorption. Based on that, they expect 3% would be
by the skin into the body.7
Is prodiamine likely to contribute to the development of cancer?
The U.S. EPA classifies prodiamine as a "Group C - Possibly Carcinogenic to Humans" based on thyroid tumors
male and female rats.7 Prodiamine did not cause cancer in mice.3,7,14 Prodiamine
was negative for mutagenicity in all available studies.
However, the U.S. EPA determined that it is plausible that two of the breakdown products of prodiamine are
carcinogens and mutagens.7
Has anyone studied non-cancer effects from long-term exposure to
The target organ of prodiamine in animals is the thyroid.7 This means the
is the organ most likely to be harmed if an animal is exposed. Researchers have not identified a specific
organ in humans. However, prodiamine can affect the liver, thymus gland, and thyroid gland.15
What is part per million (ppm)?
Parts per million (ppm) is a unit of chemical
measurement. One ppm is one part of the
chemical to one million parts of water, soil, or
food. Although 1 ppm is equivalent to 1 mg/
kg, mg/kg refers to the amount of chemical (in
milligrams) per kilogram of body weight, not
the concentration in food in a toxicity study. One
ppm may also be written 1 mg/L if the substance
is a liquid. It is a very small concentration.
When researchers fed rats prodiamine at 0, 400, 1200, or 4000 parts per million (ppm) for 13 weeks, the rats
effects at the highest dose of 4000 ppm in their food. At that dose, the rats gained less body weight, had
increased cholesterol, and had increased urinary protein content.3 Rats
4000 ppm prodiamine for 13 weeks also ate less than rats in the other groups and their kidneys and livers
heavier. No effects were observed at 1200 ppm (80 mg/kg body weight) based on the effects seen at the
dose of 4000 ppm.13
When beagle dogs ate prodiamine at either 0, 200, 600, or 2000 ppm for 13 weeks, dogs that were fed 600 ppm
changes in their blood. Dogs fed the highest dose of 2000 ppm had changes in their blood, heavier livers,
damage, and their reproductive organs weighed less. Researchers did not see any changes in the dogs fed 200
(5 mg/kg body weight).13
In another study, beagle dogs who ate 2000 ppm per day of prodiamine for 52 weeks had heavier livers and
in blood chemistry compared to dogs that ate less or none.13
No human studies were found on the long-term effects of prodiamine.
Are children more sensitive to prodiamine than
Children are at an increased risk to pesticides due to their smaller body size, ongoing organ development,
different behaviors. Keep all pesticides out of reach of children and pets to avoid accidental ingestion.
Young children may act in ways that put them at greater risk of being exposed. For example, they may spend
time near the floor. They may also be more likely to place their hands in their mouths after touching
surfaces or pets. The U.S. EPA concluded that prodiamine should not be more toxic to children than adults
and no
additional safety factors in the risk assessments were needed.16
Researchers found a birth defect called omphalocele after feeding pregnant rats 300 mg/kg of prodiamine. This
a defect where organs stick out through the abdominal wall. Pregnant rats and rabbits fed 1000 mg/kg and 300
mg/kg respectively gained less weight than unexposed pregnant rats and rabbits.3
What happens to prodiamine in the environment?
golf course, photo credit: Paul Brennan, pixabay
Prodiamine is broken down quickly by sunlight.5,9 It is
likely to leach or
reach groundwater.17,18 Prodiamine is not soluble in water.17
The half-life
prodiamine in water exposed
sunlight is very short, ranging from 2.3-7.3 hours. The half-life of prodiamine in aerobic water
around 18.3-24.9 days.18
Prodiamine binds tightly to soil and breaks down slowly in soil. The half-life of prodiamine in sandy
is around 69 days.5
Prodiamine is not very likely to become a gas based on its vapor pressure (2.50x10-8
mmHg @ 25°C /
Can prodiamine affect birds, fish, or other wildlife?
Pesticides that enter the environment can affect wild plants and animals. Prodiamine has a potential to
bioaccumulate in aquatic organisms.18
Birds might be exposed to prodiamine by eating granules, feeding on exposed prey, or by contact with a
product containing prodiamine. Water containing trace amounts of prodiamine is not expected to be toxic to
Short-term feeding studies have shown prodiamine is practically non-toxic to the canary.18
Northern bobwhite quail and mallard ducks ate up to 1000 ppm prodiamine for 21 weeks. Researchers
no harm to their health, survival, or reproductive development.13
Aquatic animals
Prodiamine is practically insoluble in water. This makes it difficult for researchers to accurately measure
much is in water when they run tests and look for impacts to aquatic organisms.13
However, the amount that can dissolve is low in toxicity to fish. Overall, scientists saw reproductive
in freshwater fish and invertebrates exposed to prodiamine. However, none of the animals died during
Researchers exposed bluegill sunfish to prodiamine concentrations of 18 to 320 mg/L for 96 hours. None
the fish died, but all showed signs of excitability at 96 hours.13
Fathead minnows were exposed to prodiamine in their water for 16 weeks. On average, they had fewer eggs
each spawn and fewer eggs per female per day.18
In a long-term study, scientists exposed rainbow trout to 25 μg/L prodiamine for an unknown period of
The fish were shorter and weighed less compared to unexposed fish. The U.S. EPA concluded that the
occurred near the limit of solubility of prodiamine in water.18
Researchers exposed water fleas to various concentrations of prodiamine up to 100 mg/L for 48 hours.
24 hours, the water fleas exposed to concentrations of 18 mg/L or more had erratic behavior.13
Prodiamine is low in toxicity to honeybees following contact and slightly toxic following ingestion.13,18 More data may
be needed to fully evaluate risks to pollinators,
chronic exposure to bees.19
Worms and insects
Prodiamine is low to moderately toxic to earthworms.13,20
Scientists placed adult earthworms on discs of filter paper treated with prodiamine at five different
concentrations for 48 hours. They determined that contact with the prodiamine paper was relatively
The same scientists exposed 10 adult earthworms to soil containing various amounts of prodiamine. The
exposure was moderately toxic to earthworms.20
Other scientists found that earthworms exposed to 1000 mg/kg of prodiamine in dry soil for two weeks
Prodiamine does not affect the development of other beneficial insects.13
Researchers submerged aphids parasitized by wasps in levels of prodiamine that would be expected in the
field. The young wasps were not affected.13
The researchers also submerged ladybug larvae and green lacewing larvae in the prodiamine solution, and
also were not negatively affected.13
Soil microorganisms were not affected when scientists treated their soil with prodiamine for 28 days. The
type was sandy loam.13
Where can I get more information?
For more detailed information about quats please visit the list of referenced
resources below, call the National Pesticide Information Center, Monday - Friday, 8:00am -
Pacific Time (11:00am - 3:00pm Eastern Time) at 800-858-7378, or visit us on the web at NPIC
science-based answers to questions
about pesticides.
Date published: May 12, 2023
Please cite as: Kent, L.; Cross, A; Gervais, J.; Cocks, M.; Jenkins, J. 2023.
Prodiamine Fact Sheet; National Pesticide Information Center, Oregon State University Extension
BEAD Chemical Profile for Registration Review: Prodiamine; U.S.
Protection Agency, Office
of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention, U.S. Government Printing Office: Washington, DC, 2010.
Prodiamine Summary Document Registration Review: Initial Docket;
Environmental Protection Agency,
Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention, U.S. Government Printing Office: Washington, DC
Prodiamine Pesticide Fact Sheet; U.S. Environmental Protection
Office of
Chemical Safety and
Pollution Prevention, U.S. Government Printing Office: Washington, DC, 1992.
Roberts, T.; Hutson, D. Metabolic Pathways of Agrochemicals, Part I:
Plant Growth Regulators-
Prodiamine; Royal Society of Chemistry: Cambridge, UK, 1999.
Tomlin, C. D. S. The Pesticide Manual, A World Compendium: Prodiamine,
British Crop Production
Council (BCPC), 2006.
NPIC Product Research Online (NPRO): Prodiamine; National
Center, Corvallis, OR,
Prodiamine Draft Human Health Risk Assessment for Registration
Environmental Protection
Agency, Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention, U.S. Government Printing Office: Washington,
National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances; Code of Federal
Part 205.601, Title 7,
Dale L. Shaner. Herbicide Handbook: Prodiamine, 10th ed.; Weed
of America: Lawrence, KS,
Tolerances and Exemptions for Pesticide Chemical Residues in Food; Code of Federal Regulations,
Part 180,
Title 40, 2023.
Prodiamine Tier I Update Review of Human Incidents and Epidemiology for
Assessment; U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention, U.S. Government
Office: Washington, DC, 2018.
Pendimethalin: Roadside Vegetation Management Herbicide Fact
State Department of
Transportatio: Olympia, WA, 2006.
Public Release Summary on the Evaluation of the New Active Prodiamine
in the
Barricade Turf
Herbicide; Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority: Kingston, Australian
Territory, Australia, 2010.
Hurley, P. M.; Hill, R. N.; Whiting, R. J. Mode of Carcinogenic Action of Pesticides Inducing Thyroid
Cell Tumors in Rodents. Environ Health Perspect, 106 (8), 1998.
Leonard, J. A.; Nelms, M.; Craig, E.; Perron, M.; Pope-Varsalona, H.; Dobreniecki, S.; Lowit, A.; Tan,
Y. M. A
Weight of Evidence Approach to Investigate Potential Common Mechanisms in Pesticide Groups to Support
Risk Assessment: A Case Study with Dinitroaniline Pesticides. Regul.
Pharmacol., 107:104419,
Prodiamine Occupational and Residential Registration Review Exposure
and Risk
Assessment; U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention, U.S. Government
Office: Washington, DC, 2018.
Registration Review - Preliminary Problem Formulation for the
Ecological Risk
Assessment of Prodiamine;
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention, U.S.
Printing Office: Washington, DC, 2010.
Ecological Risk Assessment for the Registration Review of
Environmental Protection
Agency, Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention, U.S. Government Printing Office: Washington,
Prodiamine Interim Registration Review Decision; U.S.
Agency, Office of Chemical
Safety and Pollution Prevention, U.S. Government Printing Office: Washington, DC, 2019.
Yanhua, W.; Shenggan, W.; Liping, C.; Changxing, W.; Ruixian, Y.; Qiang, W.; Xueping, Z. Toxicity
Assessment of
45 Pesticides to the Epigeic Earthworm Eisenia Fetida. Chemosphere, 88,
2012, pp 484–491.
NPIC fact sheets are designed to answer questions
asked by the general public about pesticides that are regulated by the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA). This document is
intended to be educational in nature and helpful to consumers for
making decisions about pesticide use.