Dicamba is a selective herbicide in the chlorophenoxy family of chemicals.
It comes in several salt formulations and an acid formulation. These forms
of dicamba have different properties in the environment. Products with dicamba
frequently contain other herbicides as well.
What are some products that contain dicamba?
Products containing dicamba may be liquids, dusts or granules. Products
may be concentrated or ready-to-use. Currently, dicamba can be found in
over 1100 products that are sold in the United States. It is used in agriculture,
residential areas, and other sites.
IMPORTANT: Always follow
instructions and take steps to minimize
exposure. If any exposures occur, be sure to follow the First
Aid instructions on the product label carefully. For additional treatment advice, contact the Poison
Center at 800-222-1222. If you wish to discuss
problem, please call
NPIC at 800-858-7378.
Dicamba is similar to the herbicide 2,4-D. Both act like natural plant hormones known as auxins. These
help to control plant growth. When plants are treated with dicamba, they grow in abnormal and uncontrollable
and often, the plants die. Dicamba is used on many broadleaf weeds and woody plants.
How might I be exposed to dicamba?
Products with dicamba may be used in many places including on
home lawns, farms, golf courses and rights-of-way along utility lines,
roadsides and railways. You may be exposed if you are applying dicamba
and you get it on your skin, inhale it, or eat or smoke afterwards
without washing your hands first. You also may be exposed if
you touch plants that are still wet with spray. You can limit exposure
by following the label carefully if you are using products that contain
dicamba. You can also stay away from grass or plants that have been
treated until the leaves are dry.
In some cases, dicamba can be found in well water but typically at
low levels. These levels are usually so low that no effect on human health is expected. Dicamba has also
in house dust in farmer's homes at very low levels.
What are some signs and
symptoms from
a brief exposure to
Pure dicamba is low in toxicity if breathed. If inhaled, people may experience
and irritation of the nose, resulting in coughing. If you get pure dicamba on
your skin, it is low in toxicity, however skin irritation may develop. If you get dicamba
in your eyes, it is moderately toxic. If dicamba is swallowed, people have reported
symptoms such as vomiting, loss of appetite and muscle spasms. If a large amount
is swallowed, diarrhea and abdominal pain have been reported.
may be
exposed to dicamba if they come into
contact with plants that have
been treated with dicamba, either by eating the plants or walking through an area
where dicamba was applied. Signs that a dog or a cat may have been exposed to
dicamba include shortness of breath, muscle spasms and the animal may produce a
lot of saliva. Birds may also be exposed to dicamba by eating dicamba granules and
signs include wing drop, a loss of controlled movements, and weakness.
What happens to dicamba when it enters the body?
In humans, dicamba is not absorbed through the skin very well. If swallowed, dicamba is taken in quickly.
dicamba's uptake, the chemical is rapidly eliminated in the urine, mostly unchanged. When laboratory rats
dicamba, most of the dose was found in urine within two days.
Is dicamba likely to contribute to the development of cancer?
Scientists have not found a clear link between dicamba and cancer in people. One study on pesticide
found weak links between lung and colon cancer and dicamba exposure, but other studies have not found any
of this. The EPA had concluded that dicamba is not likely to cause cancer in people.
Has anyone studied non-cancer effects from long-term exposure to dicamba?
Scientists have studied the effects from long-term exposure to dicamba to different animals. When rats were
for 90 days, some of the rats didn't gain as much weight when compared to rats that were not fed dicamba.
When rabbits had dicamba on their skin for 21 days, there were no effects on any internal organs, but
the rabbits' skin.
Are children more sensitive to dicamba than adults?
While children
may be especially sensitive to
pesticides compared to adults,
there are currently no data showing that children have increased
sensitivity specifically to dicamba.
What happens to dicamba in the
When dicamba is applied to plants, it can be absorbed by the leaves
and roots. It can travel throughout the plant, but the amount and speed
of movement depends on the plant. In water, microbes and ultraviolet
(UV) light can break down dicamba.
Dicamba breaks down in soil so that half of the original
amount is gone
in 30-60 days. Water and microbes in soil can speed up the breakdown
of dicamba. Sometimes following an application, dicamba can become
Can dicamba affect birds, fish, or other wildlife?
The salt forms of dicamba are not likely to hurt birds if eaten. The acid form is slightly or moderately
toxic to
Dicamba is not likely to harm fish because of its low toxicity. Among several studies in fish exposed to
dicamba, results
showed that dicamba was relatively non-toxic to fish.
For more detailed information please visit the list of referenced resources below or call the National Pesticide Information Center, Monday - Friday, between 8:00am - 12:00pm Pacific Time (11:00am - 3:00pm Eastern Time) at 1-800-858-7378 or visit us on the web at http://npic.orst.edu. NPIC provides objective, science-based answers to questions about pesticides.
Date Reviewed: February 2012
Please cite as: Bunch, T. R; Gervais, J. A.; Buhl, K.; Stone, D. 2012. Dicamba General Fact Sheet; National Pesticide Information Center, Oregon State University Extension Services. npic.orst.edu/factsheets/dicamba_gen.html.
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NPIC fact sheets are designed to answer questions
asked by the general public about pesticides that are regulated by the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA). This document is
intended to be educational in nature and helpful to consumers for
making decisions about pesticide use.