Carbaryl is a human-made pesticide that is toxic to insects. It is commonly used to control aphids, fire ants, fleas, ticks, spiders, and
many other outdoor pests. It is also
used in some orchards to thin out blossoms on fruit trees.
Carbaryl has been registered for use in pesticide products since 1959. No carbaryl products are currently registered for use inside homes or on pets.
What are some products that contain carbaryl?
Currently, there are over 190 registered pesticide products that contain
carbaryl. These include sprays, dusts, granules,
and water soluble packages. Many of these products can be used on agricultural crops, home gardens, lawns,
other ornamental plants. Others are used around the outside of homes and on anthills.
IMPORTANT: Always follow
instructions and take steps to minimize
exposure. If any exposures occur, be sure to follow the First
Aid instructions on the product label carefully. For additional treatment advice, contact the Poison
Center at 800-222-1222. If you wish to discuss
problem, please call
NPIC at 800-858-7378.
When insects eat or touch carbaryl, it over stimulates their nervous systems. Nerves pass along signals
to other
nerves using the signaling chemical, acetylcholine. When it reaches its target, it has a stimulating
effect on
nerves. Normally, an enzyme then quickly breaks down this signaling chemical. This allows nerves to
return to
Carbaryl prevents this enzyme from working properly. This keeps affected nerves stimulated continuously,
in the inability to contract breathing muscles, ultimately causing the death of insect pests.
Carbaryl also acts as a plant growth regulator, but the way it works is not
fully known. However, it is similar to certain plant hormones. It also breaks
down into another chemical which is a known plant hormone.
How might I be exposed to carbaryl?
People are most commonly exposed to very low levels of carbaryl through
their diet. Exposure can also occur if you breathe it in or get it on your skin
or in your eyes. For example, exposure can occur while applying sprays or
dusts during windy conditions. People may also be exposed if they eat, drink,
or smoke if they don't wash their hands after using a product. You can limit
exposure to pesticide products by carefully following label
What are some signs and
symptoms from
a brief exposure to
Soon after exposure, weakness, dizziness, and sweating are commonly reported. Pinpoint
pupils, lack of coordination, muscle twitching, and slurred speech have also been reported.
People may also experience headaches, nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, diarrhea, or
drooling. The severity of these effects can depend on the dose and the person.
In cases of severe poisoning, high blood pressure, decreased muscle tone,
and seizures
have been reported. Other serious signs include difficulty breathing, constriction of the
airways, mucous production, fluid buildup in the lungs, and reduced heart and lung
What happens to carbaryl when it enters the body?
When eaten, carbaryl is absorbed into the body. However, skin absorption is slower. In an animal
study, peak
levels of carbaryl were found 15 to 30 minutes after it was eaten but 4 to 12 hours after skin
Once inside, it moves in the blood stream to many tissues. Carbaryl works on nerves by binding to
However, this is not permanent. In an animal study, half of the carbaryl became unbound in less
than two hours.
Carbaryl is then broken down into inactive products and is removed from the body. In one study
rats were fed a
dose of carbaryl. Less than half of the carbaryl remained after two hours; about 97% percent
left the body in
and feces within seven days.
Is carbaryl likely to contribute to the development of cancer?
In studies, mice were fed high daily doses of carbaryl for 2 years. Male mice had an
increased number of blood
tumors at all dose levels. At the highest dose, both male and female mice had an increased
number of kidney and
liver cancers. Based on these studies, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has
classified carbaryl as
'likely to
cause cancer.' In 2007, the EPA estimated the lifetime cancer risk from eating foods with
carbaryl residues to
be less
than 1 in 30 million.
Has anyone studied non-cancer effects from long-term
exposure to carbaryl?
Scientists have also tested whether carbaryl causes developmental or reproductive effects
in rats and rabbits. In
studies, animals were fed low to moderate daily doses of carbaryl throughout their lives
or during their
Developing rats weighed less and some of their bones did not fully form. After birth,
fewer young rats survived
normal. Also, changes in the length of parts of the brain were observed in adults and
their young. At moderate
with rabbits, their young had lower body weights. No reproductive effects were observed
in test animals.
Carbaryl is not likely to act as an endocrine disruptor. It does not interact with the
estrogen, androgen, or
In a two year study, rats were fed moderate to high daily doses of carbaryl. At the
highest dose, rats developed
cataracts, lung inflammation, and damage to certain muscles and nerves. They also showed
effects to their liver,
kidneys, and thyroid. At the highest two doses, carbaryl blocked an important enzyme in
blood that prevents the
overstimulation of nerves. Vomiting, tearing, drooling, and tremors have also been
reported in long-term feeding
studies with dogs.
Are children more sensitive to carbaryl than
Children may be
especially sensitive to pesticides
compared to adults. In a
study with rats, carbaryl's effect on the brain of young and adult rats was
compared. Young rats were found to be 80% more sensitive than adults.
Young children may also act in ways that put them at greater risk of being
exposed. For example, they may spend more time near the ground. They
may also be more likely to place their hands in their mouths after touching
treated surfaces.
What happens to carbaryl in the environment?
At soil and water surfaces, microbes break carbaryl down quickly. Half-lives
are 4
days in water and 16 days on soil
surfaces. Sunlight can also break carbaryl down. When carbaryl was not
broken down by water but was
to sunlight, a half-life of 21 days was reported. Carbaryl has a moderate
ability to dissolve in water
through soil toward ground water. Deep down in soil, where oxygen is absent,
carbaryl breaks down more
slowly. A
half-life of 72 days has been reported. In water and soil, carbaryl has a
low potential to make vapors
into the
When carbaryl gets on leaf surfaces, very little is
absorbed into the leaf. However,
carbaryl is more
taken up by
the roots and moves to areas of active growth. On leaf surfaces, a half-life
of 3.7 days has been
Can carbaryl affect birds, fish, or other
Carbaryl is practically non-toxic or slightly toxic to birds, and slightly to
moderately toxic to
However, it
is moderately to highly toxic to fish and highly toxic to earthworms and honey
bees. Carbaryl is very
toxic to
shrimp, waterfleas, and stoneflies. The main breakdown product of carbaryl is
also highly toxic to some
In long-term studies, birds and mammals were fed low doses of carbaryl. There
were decreases in the
number of
laid and young that survived, respectively. There is some evidence that carbaryl
can affect hormone
systems in
at low doses.
For more detailed information please visit the list of referenced resources below or call the National Pesticide Information Center, Monday - Friday, between 8:00am - 12:00pm Pacific Time (11:00am - 3:00pm Eastern Time) at 1-800-858-7378 or visit us on the web at NPIC provides objective, science-based answers to questions about pesticides.
Date Reviewed: February 2016
Please cite as: Bond, C.; Cross, A.; Buhl, K.; Stone, D. 2016. Carbaryl General Fact Sheet; National Pesticide Information Center, Oregon State University Extension Services.
- Steeger, T.; Jones, R. D. Registration Review - Preliminary Problem Formulation for Ecological Risk and Environmental Fate, Endangered
Species, and Drinking Water Assessments for Carbaryl; U.S Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic
Substances, Office of Pesticide Programs, U.S. Government Printing Office: Washington, DC, 2010.
- EPA Amended Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED) for Carbaryl; EPA-738-R-08-010; U.S Environmental Protection Agency, Office of
Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances, Office of Pesticide Programs, U.S. Government Printing Office: Washington, DC, 2008.
- EPA Carbaryl; Notice of Receipt of Requests to Voluntarily Cancel or to Terminate Uses of Certain Pesticide Registrations. Fed. Regist.
2008, 73, 49184–49189.
- EPA Carbaryl; Amending Product Registrations to Terminate Uses and Eliminate Certain Application Methods. Fed. Regist. 2009, 74,
- Carbaryl Human Health Assessment Scoping Document in Support of Registration Review; U.S Environmental Protection Agency, Office of
Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances, Office of Pesticide Programs, U.S. Government Printing Office: Washington, DC, 2018.
- Pesticide Product Information System; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Government Printing Office: Washington, DC, 2015.
- Reigart, J. R.; Roberts, J. R. Recognition and Management of Pesticide Poisonings-Carbamates; 6th ed.; U.S Environmental Protection
Agency, US Government Printing Office, Washington DC, 2013.
- Fort, F.; Farewell, K.; Britton, W. Carbaryl HED Chapter of the Reregistration Eligibility Decision Document (RED); U.S Environmental
Protection Agency, Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances, Office of Pesticide Programs, U.S. Government Printing
Office: Washington, DC, 2007.
- EPA Endocrine Disruption Screening Program Weight of Evidence Conclusions on the Tier I Screening Assays for the List 1 Chemicals;
U.S Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances, Office of Pesticide Programs, U.S.
Government Printing Office: Washington, DC, 2015.
- Xu, S. Environmental Fate of Carbaryl; California Department of Pesticide Regulation; Environmental Monitoring and Pest Management
Division: Sacramento, CA, 2010.
- Evaluations of Some Pesticide Residues in Food; Food and Agriculture Organization, World Health Organization: Rome, 1968.
- Pesticide Properties Database Carbaryl; Agriculture and Environment Research Unit (AERU), University of Hertfordshire: Hertfordshire,
UK, 2007.
NPIC fact sheets are designed to answer questions
asked by the general public about pesticides that are regulated by the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA). This document is
intended to be educational in nature and helpful to consumers for
making decisions about pesticide use.