Capsaicin is used in food in many parts of the world including the United States, in the form
of hot
peppers. Although
it is often used in cooking, eating too much capsaicin can lead to irritation of the mouth,
stomach, and
People may develop vomiting and diarrhea. Inhaling sprays containing capsaicin can cause
breathing, production of tears, nausea, nasal irritation, and temporary blindness. Capsaicin
can cause
eye irritation
and is also irritating to the skin.
In animals, capsaicin causes coughing, temporary blindness, and prevents
the vocal
cords from working for a short time. Pets
may be exposed to capsaicin if they are
sprayed with an animal repellent,
if they eat plants treated with a repellent, or if they walk on surfaces that have just been
sprayed and
still wet.