Bromadiolone is a rodenticide meant to kill rats and
mice. Anticoagulants
like bromadiolone work by preventing the blood from clotting. Unlike some other rat poisons, which require
multiple days of feeding
by an animal, bromadiolone can be lethal from one day's feeding.
Bromadiolone was first registered in the United States in 1980. It is an odorless
powder that is white to yellow in color.
What are some products that contain bromadiolone?
Bromadiolone is in over 130 currently registered products. Generally, these products are pellets or bait
blocks with 0.005% bromadiolone. Currently, they can be used in and around buildings and in some vehicles.
Products sold in stores often contain
blue-green or red dye. This can help to identify that an animal has been exposed.
To reduce the risk of accidental poisonings of children and wildlife, bromadiolone products are only intended
sale to professionals. Most applications also require the use of a bait station to discourage access.
IMPORTANT: Always follow
instructions and take steps to minimize
exposure. If any exposures occur, be sure to follow the First
Aid instructions on the product label carefully. For additional treatment advice, contact the Poison
Center at 800-222-1222. If you wish to discuss
problem, please call
NPIC at 800-858-7378.
How does bromadiolone work?
In mammals, bromadiolone works by preventing the body from recycling vitamin K which is needed to clot
Once animals run out of vitamin K they can bleed to death. It can take several days for the body’s
stores of
vitamin K
to be exhausted. Therefore, exposed animals may take several days to eventually die.
How might I be exposed to bromadiolone?
You are most likely to come in contact with bromadiolone if you touch it or
eat it. Children and animals may be exposed to bromadiolone if they find and
eat granules or baits. Pets or wildlife may also be exposed if they eat another
animal which has been poisoned. Bromadiolone does not get up into the air
effectively. Therefore breathing it in is not likely. Because sale to the public
has been limited, you are more likely to be exposed to bromadiolone if your
job involves
applying pesticides. Exposure can be limited by
reading and
label directions.
Bromadiolone is toxic to mammals. It prevents the body from recycling vitamin K which is
needed to
make the blood clot. Because the body has reserves of vitamin K, it may take a while to go
through its
symptoms may be delayed for up to 5 days after exposure and may not be noticed until
immediately before
Signs of poisoning in dogs can include bleeding from the mouth and nose, internal bleeding,
and stool, hypothermia, depression, lack of appetite, muscle weakness and pain, difficulty
and death. See the fact sheet on Pets and
Pesticide Use.
People who have eaten bromadiolone have experienced symptoms such as nose
bleeding gums, bloody
urine, black tarry stools, and bruising. Other less commonly reported symptoms include
headaches, sore
aches, shortness of breath, abnormally heavy periods, and bloody mucus. Skin contact with
cause slight irritation. If it gets in the eyes, it can cause eye redness, swelling, and
What happens to bromadiolone when it enters the body?
Initially, most of the bromadiolone is broken down and leaves the body. In studies with rats for
example, 89% of
the dose left the body within 4 days. However, as time progresses, bromadiolone tends to leave
the body at a
slower rate. The half-life during this second stage has been reported to be as long as 170 days.
It can take a
long time
for bromadiolone to be excreted. This can allow for the buildup of bromadiolone in the body.
This is especially
true in
cases of long-term, low dose exposure.
Is bromadiolone likely to contribute to the development
of cancer?
No. Cancer was not observed in studies when
laboratory animals were
exposed to bromadiolone. In studies with human
cells in the laboratory, bromadiolone did not lead to cancer.
Has anyone studied non-cancer effects from long-term
exposure to bromadiolone?
In several studies, pregnant animals were fed very small doses of bromadiolone for
several days. No effects were
observed in their babies. However, the mothers developed bleeding, pale eyes, weak
muscles, and eventually died.
other similar studies with adult rats and mice, researchers saw some changes in
Are children more sensitive to bromadiolone
than adults?
Children may be
especially sensitive to pesticides
compared to adults.
However there are currently no data showing that children have increased sensitivity
specifically to
From 1993-2008, the American Association of Poison Control Centers reported
12,000-15,000 cases of accidental rodenticide exposure in children less than 6 years
old. In
most of those cases, the children had no symptoms, but a few children had severe
signs. To reduce risk to children, EPA requires bromadiolone to be packaged in
resistant bait stations if it’s used in a residential setting.
In studies with bromadiolone baits applied to soil, 45-78% of the
bromadiolone broke down in the first 21
studies indicate that it may take longer to break down if stored underground
by animals where it has
to the weather. Bromadiolone has a low potential to move in soil. When it
was tested in four different
types, 95% was found in the upper three centimeters. However, it
was more mobile in sandy soil. In water, a half-life of
392 days has been
However, in some water conditions
bromadiolone may not break down. Bromadiolone has a low potential to move up
into the air.
Bromadiolone is not registered to be used near food.
However, when it was applied to
soil, only trace levels
up into plants.
Can bromadiolone affect birds, fish, or
other wildlife?
Rodent baits are designed to be attractive to animals. Bromadiolone can be highly
toxic to most mammals and
birds. Wildlife
may eat these baits
directly or they may eat a poisoned animal. Because it can take
them several days to die, animals that consume a lethal dose may
continue to eat the bait before they die. They also may be more
susceptible to capture by predators. Wild mammals, birds and other
wildlife that eat poisoned rodents may receive a lethal dose. Accumulation
of bromadiolone in the tissues of owls, buzzards, and other
raptors in the wild has been well documented.
To fish, bromadiolone is moderately to very highly toxic. It is moderate to high
in toxicity to other aquatic
life. However, registered bromadiolone
products may not legally be applied to water. Therefore, it is unlikely to come
in contact with other aquatic
life. Research with bromadiolone on snakes and earthworms has
demonstrated no toxic effects.
For more detailed information please visit the list of referenced resources below or call the National Pesticide Information Center, Monday - Friday, between 8:00am - 12:00pm Pacific Time (11:00am - 3:00pm Eastern Time) at 1-800-858-7378 or visit us on the web at NPIC provides objective, science-based answers to questions about pesticides.
Date Reviewed: August 2013
Please cite as: Wick, K.; Bond, C.; Buhl, K.; Stone, D. 2013.
Bromadiolone General Fact Sheet;
Information Center, Oregon State University Extension Services.
- WHO. Environmental Health Criteria 175 - Anticoagulant Rodenticides; International Programme on Chemical Safety, World Health
Organization: Geneva, Switzerland, 1995.
- Reregistration Elegibility Decision (RED) for Rodenticide Cluster; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Prevention, Pesticides
and Toxic Substances, Office of Pesticide Programs, U.S. Government Printing Office: Washington, DC, 1998.
- Kreiger, R. Rodenticides. Handbook of Pesticide Toxicology-Agents, 2nd ed.; Academic Press: San Diego, 2001; Vol. 2.
- Gupta, R. C. Veterinary Toxicology: Basic and Clinical Principles; Elsevier Inc.: Hopkinsville, KY, 2007; p 527.
- Watt, B. E.; Proudfoot, A. T.; Bradberry, S. M.; Vale, J. A. Anticoagulant Rodenticides. Toxicol. Rev. 2005, 24, 259-269.
- Tomlin, C. D. S. The Pesticide Manual: A World Compendium, 15th ed.; British Crop Protection Council: Surrey, UK, 2009.
- Hazardous Substances Data Bank - Bromadiolone; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health:
Atlanta, GA, 2003.
- Tomlin, C. D. S. The Pesticide Manual: A World Compendium, 13th ed.; British Crop Protection Council: Surrey, UK, 2003.
- Final Risk Mitigation Decision for Ten Rodenticides; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic
Substances, Office of Pesticide Programs, U.S. Government Printing Office: Washington, DC, 2012.
- Murphy, M. J.; Talcott, P. A. Anticoagulant rodenticides. Small Animal Toxicology, 2nd ed.; Peterson, M. E.; Talcott, P. A., Eds.; Elsevier
Saunders: Saint Louis, MO, 2006.
- Markussen, M. D. K.; Heiberg, A. C.; Fredholm, M.; Kristensen, M. Differential expression of cytochrome P450 genes between
brornadiolone-resistant and anticoagulant-susceptible Norway rats: a possible role for pharmacokinetics in brornadiolone
resistance. Pest Manag. Sci. 2008, 64 (3), 239-248.
- Sridhara, S.; Krishnamurthy, T. R. Potentiation of Antiocagulant toxicity to Rattus Rattus by Two Non-Steroid Anti-Inflammatory Drugs;
Proceedings of the 15th Vertebrate Pest Conference, University of Nebraska: 1992; pp 212-217.
- Sage, M.; Fourel, I.; Coeudassier, M.; Barrat, J.; Berny, P.; Giraudoux, P. Determination of bromadiolone residues in fox faeces by an LC/
ESI-MS analytical method in relationship with toxicological data and clinical signs after intoxication. Environ. Res. 2008, 110, 664-674.
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Office: Washington, DC, 2004.
- Dowding, C. V.; Shore, R. F.; Worgan, A.; Baker, P. J.; Harris, S. Accumulation of anticoagulant rodenticides in a non-target insectivore,
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- Berny, P. J.; de Oliveira, L. A.; Videmann, B.; Rossi, S. Assessment of ruminal degradation, oral bioavailability, and toxic effects of
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87.04. LM 637 RPL., 1987, submitted to U.S. Environmental Protection agency by Lipha Centre de Reecherches. EPA MRID 41900001.
Reregistration Eligibilty Decision for Rodenticide Cluster; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Prevention, Pesticides and
Toxic Substances, Office of Pesticide Programs, U.S. Government Printing Office: Washington, DC, 1998.
- Meehan, A. P. Rodenticidal Activity of Bromadiolone - A New Anticoagulant; Proceedings of the 8th Vertebrate Pest Conference,
University of Nebraska-Lincoln: Bangalore, India, 1978; pp 122-126.
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- Poche, R. M. Rodent tissue residue and secondary hazard studies with bromadiolone. EPPO Bull. 1988, 18, 323-330.
- Myers, R.; Christopher, S. Bromadiolone Techincal: Acute Cutaneous Toxicity in the Rabbit. Unpublished Lab Project No. 92N1112,
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- Shapiro, R. Primary Skin Irritation: Bromadiolone. Unpublished Report No. T-214, 1977, submitted to U.S. Environmental Protection
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of Pesticide Programs, U.S. Government Printing Office: Washington, DC, 1998.
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NPIC fact sheets are designed to answer questions
asked by the general public about pesticides that are regulated by the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA). This document is
intended to be educational in nature and helpful to consumers for
making decisions about pesticide use.