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Ecological Incident Reporting Overview

The Ecological Pesticide Incident Reporting portal provides a method for reporting ecological incidents that are suspected or known to be related to pesticide exposures. Ecological incidents are when adverse field effects involve non-target entities such as: wildlife, birds, fish, shell fish, bees, and plants (including non-crop damage from dicamba or other herbicide use).

Information from this portal may be directly sent in its entirety to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Data from this portal may be used to inform decision-making in the federal regulation of pesticides. Note that NPIC cannot ensure that personally identifiable information included in these reports will be kept confidential. Also note that the information submitted through this portal will not be used for targeted enforcement. If you wish to speak with someone about a potential investigation, please contact your state's pesticide regulatory agency for pesticide enforcement, or contact the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency at Report.Pesticide.Incident@epa.gov.

If you have questions or would prefer to report any adverse effect of a pesticide through the NPIC hotline, you may do so by calling NPIC at 800-858-7378

The following details about the pages and fields in the portal may be helpful when entering an incident report into the portal.

Page 1: Event Description

Field Required? Description/Options
Type of Incident Yes Choose one of the options provided: Terrestrial: Incident involving only terrestrial animals. This includes all mammals, birds, reptiles, and air-breathing stages of amphibians and insects, other than bees.

Aquatic: Incident involving only aquatic animals. This includes all fish, aquatic invertebrates, and aquatic stages of amphibians and insects.

Terrestrial and Aquatic: Incident involving both terrestrial and aquatic animals.

Plants: Incident involving plants only. This includes all plants, terrestrial and aquatic. Includes non-crop damage from dicamba or other herbicide use.

Bees: Incident involving only bees.
State where incident occurred Yes Choose the state where the incident occurred.
County Yes Choose the county where the incident occurred. The counties for the appropriate state will be loaded once a state is chosen in the previous item.
Starting date of observed adverse effects Yes Enter the date that entities were first observed adversely affected.

mm/dd/yyyy or mm/dd/yy format.
Ending date of observed adverse effects No Date that entities were last observed adversely affected.

If adverse effects continue to be observed, please enter today's date in this field and note that the effects are ongoing in the Details/Evidence field below.

mm/dd/yyyy or mm/dd/yy format
Weather No Please provide the weather conditions at the time of the event, if possible. Knowledge of the weather conditions assist reviewers in understanding the context of an incident.

Historical weather information may be found here.
Details/Evidence of Event Yes Please enter a summary of relevent event details, e.g. any specific notes or evidence. Be brief and as specific as possible in providing details about the event. Additional optional information for the event, including the ability to upload a lab report or other supporting documentation, may be entered on a subsequent screen.

Page 2: Pesticide Product Information

Field Required? Description/Options
Pesticide Registration Number No

Please provide the EPA Registration Number if possible. The Registration Number is located on the pesticide product labeling. This number is extremely important for reviewers to accurately record and assess an incident.

The pesticide registration number, a.k.a. "EPA Reg. Number," is the best piece of information about a product you can give us. The EPA Reg. Number provides a unique identifier for a specific product.

You should be able to find the EPA Reg. Number on the product label, usually in fine print close to where the active ingredients are listed.

The number will usually have at least one hyphen in it -- be sure to enter the number exactly as shown, including any hyphens, e.g. 12345-67 or 12345-67-89

Product Name No

If you do not know the EPA Registration Number, please provide the pesticide product name and the active ingredient if you can. Many products have similar names. Providing the name and the active ingredient will allow reviewers of the report to better assess the incident. Many products have similar names and without the Registration Number reviewers will not be able to accurately record the product without both the name and active ingredient(s) as well.

Active Ingredient: No To ease entering complex ingredient names, you can type the first few characters and a list of matching ingredients will be provided that you may choose from.
AI% No Enter the percentage concentration of the active ingredient, if known.
Use Site No If known, enter the registered use site of the product. The use site may be a crop, an object, etc. To see a list of available sites, type the first few letters (e.g. "cor") and a list of sites will be displayed to choose from (e.g. "corn" "cornish heather" etc.)
Formulation No Choose the product's formulation from the list provided:
  • Crystalline
  • Dust
  • Dry flowable (a.k.a. water soluble granules)
  • Emulsifiable concentrate
  • Flowable concentrate
  • Granular
  • Impregnated material
  • Inverted emulsifiable concentrate
  • Microencapsulated
  • Oil (without added pesticide)
  • Pelleted
  • Pressurized dust
  • Pressurized gas
  • Pressurized liquid
  • Ready-to-use
  • Seed treatment
  • Solid agar
  • Soluble concentrate
  • Soluble powder
  • Water soluble packet
  • Wettable powder
Use/Misuse Yes

Choose how the product was used from the list of provided options:

Registered Use: pesticide was used according to the EPA-approved label.
Misuse (unintentional): pesticide was not used according to the approved label, but the misuse was not blatant or with malicious intent.
Misuse (intentional): pesticide was used in a way that was blatantly different from the approved label or with malicious intent, such as application to bait to poison nontarget wildlife.
Misuse: pesticide was not used according to the approved label, but there is not enough evidence to categorize as intentional or unintentional.
Spill: exposure was caused by a spill, leak, or dumping of pesticide.
Undetermined: not enough information was given to determine use/misuse.

Evidence of use/misuse No Please describe the incident in as much detail as possible and provide evidence as available. An attachment may be added later in the report submission process as well.
Aerial or Ground Application? Yes Please choose from the three options:
  • Air
  • Ground
  • Unknown
Application Method No Enter the method used to apply the product, e.g. "backpack sprayer," "pellet dispersal," etc.
Application Rate No Enter the rate/amount of product applied, e.g. "1 gallon per square acre," or "1 ounce per tree," etc.

Page 3: Details For Each Type Of Organism

On Page 1, a "type of incident" was chosen. This page will offer different choices based on that first choice. Please provide details about each organism or group of organisms is effected during this event below.

If more than one type of organism was impacted by this event, complete a new form for each type of organism by clicking "Save and Add Another Organism" when finished with the first form.

Field Required? Description/Options
Type of Organism Yes

The options available will change depending on the selection made on the first page of the form:

  • Mammal
  • Bird
  • Reptile
  • Amphibian (air-breathing stage)
  • Insect (air-breathing stage if amphibious, not bees)
  • Other
  • Fish
  • Aquatic Invertebrate
  • Amphibian (aquatic stage)
  • Insect (aquatic stage)
  • Other
Terrestrial and Aquatic:
  • Mammal
  • Bird
  • Reptile
  • Amphibian (air-breathing stage)
  • Insect (air-breathing stage if amphibious, not bees)
  • Fish
  • Aquatic Invertebrate
  • Amphibian (aquatic stage)
  • Insect (aquatic stage)
  • Other
  • Terrestrial plant
  • Aquatic plant
  • Other
  • Honey bee
  • Other bee
  • Other
Species No Provide the common name of the species affected. Please be specific, e.g. "American Tree Sparrow", not just "Sparrow."
Response No Choose a description of the effect of the pesticide on this particular species or group:
  • Mortality
  • Incapacitation
  • Plant damage
  • Deformation
  • Other
Number of this type of organism affected


Magnitude of effect to this organism(s)

At least one of the Number... field or the Magnitude... field is required. If you know the exact number of affected organisms, enter that number in the Number... field. If not, ender a quantitative description in the Magnitude... field.

You may only enter numbers in the Number... field.

In the Magnitude... field you can provide a general quantitative description of the magnitude of the affected organisms, e.g. "dozens," "hundreds," "less than 5 acres," etc.

Habitat in which the organisms were found No Enter the habitat where the affected organisms were found, if known. This is not the same as the product use site entered on page 3.
Age of affected organism(s) No Enter the age or age class of the affected organism(s), if known.
Route of exposure No

Choose an exposure route from the list of available routes:

  • Ingestion
  • Bait consumption
  • Granular consumption
  • Secondary poisoning
  • Drinking
  • Drift
  • Drift, spray
  • Drift, vapor
  • Runoff
  • Drift & runoff
  • Treated directly
  • Carryover
  • Soil transport
  • Flowing water
  • Compost
  • Unknown
  • Other
Distance from treatment site No If known, enter the distance from the treatment site to the site where the affected organism(s) were found.

Page 4: Additional Information (optional)

Optional: Please enter any additional information about the exposure as needed. If you have a lab report or other supporting documentation, you may upload a copy of that file via the "Upload a lab report from:" field provided. Please do not upload any file larger than 10MB.

There is also a "Skip This Screen" button available to skip past the form entirely.

Items you may wish to provide here might include:

Information from this portal may be directly sent in its entirety to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Data from this portal may be used to inform decision-making in the federal regulation of pesticides. Note that NPIC cannot ensure that personally identifiable information included in these reports will be kept confidential. Also note that the information submitted through this portal will not be used for targeted enforcement. If you wish to speak with someone about a potential investigation, please contact your state's pesticide regulatory agency for pesticide enforcement, or contact the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency at Report.Pesticide.Incident@epa.gov.

Page 5: Summary

This page provides a complete summary of the information entered into the report so far. The report has not been saved yet. You can save the report without review by clicking the "Save Immediately" button at the top of the page. You can also review the report and make changes using the various "Change..." buttons as necessary, and then save the report using the "Save" button at the bottom of the page.

Page 6: Thank You

Once you see this page, the report has been saved into the database and cannot be edited further. You may wish to record the Report ID if you wish to contact us about the report.

Thank you for using the Ecological Pesticide Incident Reporting Portal!

Last updated January 19, 2021